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Hi ,

I need some help. I have a overall 5 star rating but in Success rating it is 6, as  Customer level satisfaction shows "strongly negative impact". What can be the reason for it ?  How can I improve it ?

Does the success score in Level overview depend upon the number of reviews ? My number of reviews in around 50% of the jobs I have completed. In never ask for reviews from my buyers. Leave it up to them completely.

I visited Fiverr Help and saw they have a templates Fiverr asking to use for communication. Do I have to follow the exact template? 

I welcome all suggestions as this is impacting my process to reach my new level (Level2).

Thanks in advance.



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Thanks for your answer. I was not aware of any internal review, by the buyer. It is so unfair.
They give 5 star review in public and seems so satisfied in the chat 😞 

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