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False Flagged

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I got Flagged for connection of a account which is block by not following fiverr rules which i dont remember when i do because i never done this before. And fiverr told that their final decision and not going to change but i saw same case with another person with same  Emails totally same emails but its got unflagged. 


how fiverr change their decision Here i would like to know a serious answer no more Bot Replies kindly I totally agree you review but im providing everything for prove that is false flag but fiverr is not listening is not its UNJUST im not going against any TOS did not done anything wrong but still.

explain how your final decision change here

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My post on Fiverr forum is removed where i tell how fiverr says that their decision is final and they change their decision on another person with same CASE why fiverr why cannot in my case when im providing you Proofs. MY account flagged its been 7 days days what i have done wrong You said it flag for having connection with another account who got disable i never make another i came new to fiverr. I can share Screenshots and Person name on which you said Decision will not change but you change and its Account got back. 

@Lena @ana_tomy  


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Hi Fiverr Members and Staff

@milos_siena @Lena @ana_tomy 

My Fiverr got Flagged 5 days ago for having a connection with a blocked account due to not follow the TOS. But my question arise here I'm ready to gave all Proves that can surely tell that im a geninue person. I really dont know what trigger but im in a serious trouble because as you see i have not Break any TOS so far and working professionally. 

Their can be many misunderstanding here first if you type "Haider Imtiaz Python" on google you will see my old images/selfies because im on Medium, Udemy and many other places becuase im working on Python from years so that People know specially from medium their can be a chance a person who used my profile pic and make python gig which i also had. He got banned and after that i got warning too. But i dont know who is he, Next thing my location and IP issues right recently Our Country is going from Internet issue which making our IP addresses sold to VPN  services that mean my IP can be use a vpn for someone ( Please read Pakistan internet Issues ) . Now their are more possibilities that happen which triggering the case. 


What i have

I have my identity card does he that account have ?

I have my location proof does that account have ?

I have my name paypal does he had that ?

If he using my name and pic or his FACE resemble me then he probally gave Face verification at the time of account creation

Recently i bought second hand Realmi Phone i dont know if that make issue or not.

@milos_siena I would like a help on this kindly Please. I know their decision is final but I can show one example where FIverr change their decision with same CASE like mine . then why not mine.


TO ALL MEMBER need your response

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Hi @haider_ali03210, sorry to see your account got flagged. I've just checked and the reason behind this is confirmed by the relevant team, so the decision cannot be changed. CS team explained this to you multiple times now, so there's no need to keep creating new tickets on the same subject, as they'll all get closed and merged into the original ticket #12071466. I recommend reading our Terms of Service, especially the part about multiple accounts, as it'll answer all your questions on this subject. Good luck 🍀

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1 minute ago, haider_ali03210 said:

harshu808 Got the same Issues Same Emails and Same Replies and after 40 days he got his account how your Decision change their just answer this @ana_tomy and i will stop creating ticket.

I can't provide any information on another User's account. And if you read both Terms of Service and Forum Rules, you'll see that here on the Forum we don't replace the Customer Support team, and any account-related issue can be resolved through them only, so please refer all your questions on this subject to the Customer Support team. The team has already responded multiple times that:


Unfortunately, the account flag may not be removed. This decision is not subject to change.

Your account was manually reviewed multiple times and there's nothing to be done in this case to change the decision, as the reason was confirmed with each review. 

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I have all proves to show myself unique with no connections. Even You can search on internet People know me for Python Programming  as i told im on Medium, Udemy and many other platform and have great following anyone can use my name, photo to show case and get buyers and with that Internet firewall issues.

@ana_tomy I totally know you guys can't change their decision but Atleast pass my words to CS so they can review my case with my Proofs now that i send which help them to see the issues. I got lose hope because that final Decision then i see 2 cases WHERE FIVERR CHANGE ITS FINAL DECISION that mean you guys change.

Their is a Hugh misunderstanding I would have humble request to pass my case to CS again to see with PROOF this time i already sended


@ana_tomy @milos_siena

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Please the Screenshot I dont know what is this but i never use VPN i dont know why it showing United States When I log in using my WiFi connection, it shows my location as the USA, but when I log in using my mobile data, it correctly detects my location within my country. That why it make all missunderstanding kindly Please Take this into consideration. 


@ana_tomy @milos_siena

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6 minutes ago, haider_ali03210 said:

Please the Screenshot I dont know what is this but i never use VPN i dont know why it showing United States When I log in using my WiFi connection, it shows my location as the USA, but when I log in using my mobile data, it correctly detects my location within my country. 

This is the reason your account got flagged. 

Question for you: Are you using a second-hand/used laptop?

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1 hour ago, smartdezigns said:

This is the reason your account got flagged. 

Question for you: Are you using a second-hand/used laptop?

Well, it should not be an issue/reason for being flagged account. I have the same issue when I log in to my account with my WiFi connection, I see the USA location. But when I log in to my account within the same device but with a sim Internet, I see location within Pakistan.

Edited by wordpresssp
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1 hour ago, wordpresssp said:

Well, it should not be an issue/reason for being flagged account. 

Wanted to know this because there is a possibility that old owner of that laptop had a Fiverr account and he/she might have used it that's why.

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i am facing the same issue account got flagged for having connecting with other account.

i tried every possible way to explain my case.

i am 9 year old seller and i also explain them i dont need 2nd id to get more orders as i was also working professional as well.

explained my case but didnt get satisfactory answer for that.

i am really curious how harshu removed that flagged status. since i am also ready to provide my documents, check laptop with the help of anydesk.

i am ready to do anything in order to verify my identity.

p.s. i was already eligible for top rated seller status as well.

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On 8/30/2024 at 9:30 PM, haider_ali03210 said:

Yes its a second hand laptop but more i doubt because im famous for Python Programming some one can use my image and gig things 

If someone has used your content then its not the reason of account being flagged. It seems to me that previous owner of your laptop might had a Fiverr account which Fiverr has detected it. 

I am wondering what does your fame has to do with the Flagged Account? Strange! Many sellers have used my text content and images but nothing has happened to me. 

It's useless to discuss with Fiverr Support anymore as their decision is final. Sorry to say this.. 

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No everyone Sell laptop in the world Used things are i don't think Fiverr just flag me because of just Reason im using a fiverr account on a laptop who had fiverr account before no Does not make any Sense as a programmer i can 100% Fiverr detect multiple things,  Device, Name, Image, Gigs style, Service and other things. 

Yes has to do with this you are oldest here and you did not get how fiverr mechanics works. They dont banned on just same device Worest part is this if missunderstanding happen they dont accept their mistake i can Gave many example same like me where Fiverr said 100 times decision is final. and on next email  

OH We are sorry let me remove the FLAGGED  like what.... 


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5 minutes ago, haider_ali03210 said:

No everyone Sell laptop in the world Used things are i don't think Fiverr just flag me because of just Reason im using a fiverr account on a laptop who had fiverr account before no Does not make any Sense as a programmer i can 100% Fiverr detect multiple things,  Device, Name, Image, Gigs style, Service and other things. 

Yes has to do with this you are oldest here and you did not get how fiverr mechanics works. They dont banned on just same device Worest part is this if missunderstanding happen they dont accept their mistake i can Gave many example same like me where Fiverr said 100 times decision is final. and on next email  

OH We are sorry let me remove the FLAGGED  like what.... 


Actually point is that no one admits their mistake whether it was done intentionally or unintentionally. I am sorry that you are having a hard time but if you think you are right about your account so you can fight for it. Totally up to you. But Fiverr has made their decision final so Good Luck!

Secondly, they do accept their mistakes if they have done wrong. I have seen some cases like this. It happens. However, in your case, it seems they won't change their decision. Try your luck then.

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