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Best piece of advice you’ve received


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Learning from others' wisdom can save you some serious headaches and speed up your path to success. 

What’s the one piece of advice that’s stuck with you and helped you crush it as you navigate the world of freelancing or running your own business?

For me, it's this John C. Maxwell quote on consistency: 'Small disciplines repeated with consistency every day lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.

Your turn! Share the golden nugget that’s been your guiding star on the road to success below. 

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For years it's been the following 3 phrases for me:

"Comparison is the thief of joy." Speaking of the type of comparison that pits you against another and has you constantly wishing for what they have, rendering you unable to rejoice as you should over your own achievements, or taking pleasure in having more than them, turning your achievements into a weapon which can also steal the joy of the achievement.

"The biggest enemy of future success is past success." Most of us are "hungrier" when success is harder to come by, and tend to let off the gas once success is achieved. We have to be careful not to allow success today to stifle creativity, innovation, growth in any form in the future. In a practical sense, when the business is poppin' it's easy to just work IN the business and forget to work ON the business. For example, when you have a ton of work in the pipeline if you aren't careful your marketing practices could fall off. When you're the top dog in your industry, innovation could fall off. This applies to life in general and business specifically.

"Time is your most precious resource." The only thing I can't create more of is time. So when I have a decision to make I always look at it through the lens of my time. I've got one shot at life. The last thing I want to do is end up on a deathbed surrounding by $100 bills rather than family.


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-Discipline + Hard Work + Patience = Success 

-If you can conceive and believe it, you can achieve it.

-Stick to what works best for you. 

-Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn't … pays it.” Albert Einstein.

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Although super basic, "Don't put all your eggs in one basket" is the best advice for freelancers, I believe. The only way I've been successfully earning a living on my own for the past couple of decades was by always having multiple sources of income (not just multiple clients, but more than one type of income). Always dedicate a portion of your time and energy to growing the next source.

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