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External Gig Promotion Performing Well? Not true!


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My gig was on the second page with five 5-star reviews and continually received messages day by day and one day suddenly, it didn't receive a single message, I was confused so I decided to promote it on X using trends and little content related to my service then adding my link to it. On the second day I noticed an increase in my impressions but no messages, third day my impressions went down and I could not find it on the second page any longer. Currently, I am seeing my gig at the back making it irrelevance. What could have been the reason for this and how exactly can I become more relevance and return to my page where I have been receiving messages and orders please? Thank you

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Well, You need to wait few days or manth, Sometime this down without reason i hope this will back soon. this not only with  you. This issue for every seller, don't worry. One day everything will be fine.

Thank you



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