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Account flagged due to location inconsistencies or other activities





Few days ago I get this message and im completely shocked and confused... I am on Fiverr for years now, i was level 2 seller with 5 stars reviews and many many gigs done. My gigs was on the first page for very long time in my niche etc. In the last few months i wasnt even active so much duo to summer time and i only did couple gigs in that time. The full message is "

After careful review, your account has been flagged due to location inconsistencies or other activities indicating a connection to violations of our Terms of Service. Consequently, your participation in Fiverr's level system is permanently restricted.

Please be advised that this was reviewed multiple times and the decision is final. For more information on our policies and guidance on adherence, please refer to our Community Standards."


To be honest i dont even know what that mean. I open ticket and ask them but i got same answer like this above, then i wrote an email to them and again, same message, and then they just close and mark my ticker as solved... If I really did something that violate fiverr terms of service i would like to know what i did wrong.


Can someone please help me with this? I really want to know what is happening and i see that im not the only one here with this issue. 



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