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My Fiverr Account got a Warning Again without any Reason



Hi there,

I got a warning today and its say that my account has been flagged for purchasing or selling with the intent to falsely increase ratings and/or levels.

In july 1 month ago i was got warned by fiverr for showing the same reason then i contacted with fiverr team , even i posted here about it too on forum . Later fiverr team reviewed my account and i was found inocent and my warning was withdrawn.

But Today I got warning for the same reason and the reason showed "  my account has been flagged for purchasing or selling with the intent to falsely increase ratings and/or  levels".
But I have never done such a thing. Iam working on Website SEO Category in fiverr since 2022 and i have always followed fiverr rules and guidelines
I think there has been a mistake . I got warning without any reason again. I have reached fiverr support and asked them to Review my acount bcz iam totally inocent here but have not got any response yet. 

I request to fiverr team to review my all my orders and rating Again to ensure it. Hope for the best 

Best Regards



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There must be some intentionally or unintentionally done by you which are a violation of TOS. Don't worry communicate with Fiverr support and follow their instructions.

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@helali009 i Have done nothing wrong as far i know. I have always followed Fiverr rules . Fiverr warned me and they say My account has been flagged for purchasing or selling with the intent to falsely increase ratings and/or levels. But i have never done such thing. I have reached fiverr support and said that i did not break any Fiverr TOS but they have not responsed yet. 

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@filipdevaere No I have always followed fiverr TOS rules. Last month Fiverr warned me for thr same reason when i contact with fiverr support and told them to review my whole account again and they did and Found no violation. After that they Removed my Warning. 

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Hi @farzanatech, please wait patiently to hear back from the team. I see that there's an active warning on your account, however, it's not flagged as you're still able to participate in the leveling system. The team will get back to you shortly. Good luck 🍀

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