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Few days ago mistakenly I clicked on a suspicious link and as soon as i clicked my laptop was hacked.
In my google drive, I write all my login info, password & security realted queistion if i forgot that.( the hacker took advantage of that)

then i install new windows 10 and change my gmail password (Which i used to create the fiverr accoount)

But The Hacker change the Two Step verfication phone number in my fiverr account.
Aslo the security queistion he chnage it or not ( I am not sure).

I can provide the evidance acoount is mine -
>(gmail and password) which used in my fiverr account.
>my fiverr Mail + user name + Password.
> Previous Fiverr Sercurity queistion ( not sure the hacked change it or not)

I have sent this to fiverr then Fiverr ask me some information 


Yes I have reach out the fiverr support and they ask me these inquiry-

1. Security question’s answer
2. The last four digits of your registered phone number.
3. The uncropped screenshot of the system security scan.
4. Let me know if you have access to the account.

I provide the information but there is no response from fiverr support.

Is there any fiverr support team member.

I need help to fix this.

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