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Something went wrong. Please try again.

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I am new to Fiverr and wanted to buy a logo design.  After spending some time with colors and layouts, whenever I attempt to buy the logo I only ever see:

Something went wrong.  Please try again.

There's no description, no other feedback, nothing.  I've tried multiple (updated) browsers and nothing works.

I attempted to contact the logo creator and received the same error when attempting to contact them.

I've validated my account, setup payment but nothing - NOTHING - works.  There's no feedback on what needs to be done.

Sorry sellers, if this is the normal buyer's experience it's not good for ANYONE.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the same issue.  A perpetual 'Something went wrong.  Please try again.'  And nothing I try works.  I can't message any artists, can't purchase anything.  I've tried multiple browsers, with and without VPN, etc. etc.


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