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I've noticed that Gig thumbnails are stretched incorrectly, distorting the original image ratio. (Screenshot below).

Making an image with the recommended size (1280 x 769) doesn't help.  Freelancers put a lot of effort into their thumbnails, but it doesn't matter if the website itself distorts them.

The reason why this happens -the Gig card is wider the the image itself. And CSS property width: 100%, when applied to the <img>, stretches it, instead of zooming. 

Here are my CSS changes that fix this issue:

.gig-wrapper .media .slider .slides.preview .slide-item.active {
float: none;
display: flex;
justify-content: center;

.gig-wrapper .media .slider .slides .slide-item>img {
// remove width: 100%;

It would leave empty space and center the image, while not distorting it.

My solution is not perfect, but it fixes the main problem. (Screenshot below). I would also suggest changing the Gig card aspect ratio to 1,66. Thus, an image with the recommended size would look perfect.

This issue affects all users on the platform, and I'm sure these changes would improve user experience quite significantly!
Thank you!




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