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Hello, i just created my seller profile on fiverr and suddenly got notification like i have to work on converting 200 images JPG to WORD in 2 days and they told me to contact them on telegram. As curious i am, i contacted the telegram and they told me they would pay me 3000 pounds, such ridiculous amount! Immediately i know it's a scam as i try to direct them to place the order on fiverr and they don't want to! Please beware of this kind of scamming for new freelancer like me.


Also i got notified again! With another scammers to scan QR to receive the payment, like I'm not even doing anything yet! So yeah careful out there everyone!

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8 hours ago, advenarani said:

Hello, i just created my seller profile on fiverr and suddenly got notification like i have to work on converting 200 images JPG to WORD in 2 days and they told me to contact them on telegram. As curious i am, i contacted the telegram and they told me they would pay me 3000 pounds, such ridiculous amount! Immediately i know it's a scam as i try to direct them to place the order on fiverr and they don't want to! Please beware of this kind of scamming for new freelancer like me.


Also i got notified again! With another scammers to scan QR to receive the payment, like I'm not even doing anything yet! So yeah careful out there everyone!

Contacting some one out side Fiverr is against TOS.

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Hi @advenarani,

Thank you for sharing your experience. It's unfortunate that scammers target new freelancers, but I'm glad you were able to recognize the red flags. It's great to see that you quickly identified these offers as scams. Your awareness and caution have saved you from potential trouble. It's essential to always trust your instincts in such situations.

Stay Within Fiverr: Remember, to ensure your safety and security, always keep all communications and transactions within Fiverr. Fiverr's platform is designed to protect both buyers and sellers, and by staying within the platform, you can avoid these kinds of scams.

Stay vigilant, and best of luck with your freelancing journey!

Best regards,
S. Mukta

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I had the same experience. The "client" asked me to convert PDF files to Docx. And then, once it was done, he asked me for money to "clear" the levy charges so that I could get my payment. There's also my recent encounter with these scammers. He asked me to document his trading on Gate.io and create an account for him. However, the application is asking for my ID and I was hesitant to create an account due to his access to it. He has the username and password. I am a newbie and these experiences made me a bit disheartened. I thought Fiverr was a safe place to work.


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