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My Fiverr account got a Warning without any Reason



Hi there!
I Have got warning on "purchasing or selling with the intent to falsely increase rating and or levels". I have been working on fiverr on website SEO Category since july 2022. I have always followed fiverr rules and guidelines. So, I know that selling with the intent to falsely on fiverr to increase rating or levels are against Fiverr TOS. I have never taken any fake review to increase rating or Level. Still i got an warning today and my level are being on hold.

I had requested a ticket about it and fiverr team response to me once  and told me to reply the mail if there wasn't a violation of Fiverr Terms of Service on my account. I replied the mail to review my account again but 24h passed still have not got any reply.
I Request to fiverr team to review my account and my order and level  history again bcz iam totally innocent here and still being warned.
Please do something i beg
Best regards

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