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Two Ratings of seller showing on Fiverr App!



Today i search for sellers on Fiver mobile app and i see that there are two type of ratings on fiverr app! One is the searched sellers list and second on the profile.

I noticed that some sellers have 1.7 rating in list but on the account they have 5.0 rating! What foes it means and what is means by the rating on the list.spacer.png

I have attached a screenshot please check!


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2 answers to this question

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The one you are seeing (in snapshot) is the actually Gig's Rating (For instance: One seller has a 1.5* Overall Gig Rating  - 5 Reviews)..

Account/Profile one is the Overall Rating (of all gigs) which you can see it under the display name + username of seller.

Edited by smartdezigns
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Sorry but i am still unclear about the rating in the Snapshot! Can you please clear it a bit.

On what basis this rating is defined. The rating under username based upon the gigs rating so on what basis this snapshot rating is working.

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