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Beginner's Buyer's Guide

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Having an idea is one thing, but taking the steps to see your vision become a reality is worth celebrating and we’re glad you’re considering teaming up with the incredible talent on our platform for your project. 

We understand how important it is for you to have a positive buying experience while investing in your project. Here’s everything you should know to ensure a smooth buying process from start to finish: 

Align expectations with your seller
While certain sellers may allow you to place an order without any prior communication, we always recommend touching base with a seller before placing your order. This allows you to properly vet them to ensure they are the best fit for the job, and gives you the opportunity to verify you both are on the same page concerning the expectations for your purchase. Important topics to discuss with your seller include expected delivery, allotted revisions, and scope or work.

Submit order requirements
Once you place your order, the next step is to fill out the order requirements. This is your chance to inform your seller of all the necessary details of your order. Fill this out as soon as possible, as the seller will be unable to begin your order without this information. Failure to do so may result in a delayed delivery. Be as thorough as possible to avoid any additional revisions. 

Once you’ve submitted your order requirements, stay on top of your inbox in case the seller messages you for any reason. They may request additional information, provide status updates, or need to solicit your feedback on early drafts.

After completing the work on your order, the seller will submit a “final delivery”. Once this happens you’ll have the following options: 

  • Accept the delivery- Do this if and only if you are completely satisfied with the order and do not need anything else from your seller.
  • Request a revision- You are not obligated to accept a delivery if the final product is not to your liking. To find out how many revisions your package grants you, you can refer to your original order confirmation. Additional revision requests outside of what is listed in your freelancers’ gig or custom order information may incur extra costs so to streamline the revision process and save time and money, be as descriptive as possible and submit all your revisions at the same time. 
  • Extend the review period- Once you have received your order, you have three days to review the order. We understand life gets busy and it’s not always possible to review your order during this time. If needed, you can request more time on the order page.
  • Allow the order to autocomplete- If you have not accepted the delivery, or requested more time, the order will autocomplete. Once this happens, the order is considered closed and any additional edits will be at the seller’s discretion. 

Payments and Tipping
Once the order is complete, you have the opportunity to add a voluntary tip for your seller. Keep in mind that any tip left is counted as a transaction and will therefore incur an additional transaction fee. Tips are never expected but highly appreciated by your freelancers! 

At the end of each order, the final step is reviewing your order. Though leaving a review is not mandatory, we encourage you to leave an honest review each time you complete an order. Leaving a review not only benefits your seller, but it also helps your fellow buyers on the platform by giving them a testimonial to aid in their decision making process. You will have the opportunity to submit two separate reviews, each of which uses a 5-star system: 

  • Public review-  In this section, you’ll be prompted to  rate your completed order, leave a detailed review, and if you’d like to, include a sample of the work your sellerdelivered. This will be displayed on the freelancer’s profile and Gig page. 
  • Private review-  24 hours after your order is marked complete, you’ll also be prompted to leave a private review that neither your seller nor other marketplace buyers will be able to see. These reviews are only shared with internal staff and help us improve the buying experience. 

Navigating the buying process on Fiverr can be simple when you understand the steps involved. If you need any additional assistance, you can always connect with one of our Fiverr Advisors who are there to help you support you every step of the way. To connect with one, simply schedule a call by clicking: https://go.oncehub.com/CustomerSuccessManager. You can also reach out via email at buyer-success@fiverr.com. 

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1 hour ago, Kesha said:

Important topics to discuss with your seller include expected delivery, allotted revisions, and scope or work.

Budget! I know it's a bit impersonal to start with that straight out of the gate but you can get days into communication only to find out the budget is very different from a seller's rates--add-ons included. Then, you have to go through that entire cycle again with another seller.

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7 hours ago, Kesha said:

Private review-  24 hours after your order is marked complete, you’ll also be prompted to leave a private review that neither your seller nor other marketplace buyers will be able to see. These reviews are only shared with internal staff and help us improve the buying experience.

Fiverr should find a way to encourage or even incentivize more buyers to participate in private reviews.

As of now, this process is stacked against the sellers because often unhappy/disgruntled buyers leave private reviews. This keeps us on the edge all the time and even creates situations where we have to comply with unreasonable demands of buyers. 

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13 hours ago, mandyzines said:

to find out the budget is very different from a seller's rates

What don't make sense for me is: The buyer came from your gig, your gig displays all Prices there, so if the buyer cannot afford your prices why they message us?

Maybe to get some discount? Who knows

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7 hours ago, priyank_mod said:

this process is stacked against the sellers because often unhappy/disgruntled buyers leave private reviews.

This is unfair for sellers, because unhappy buyers for sure 100% will fill the private survey. While, happy buyers even don't care to fill the public review, think about the private.

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If a buyer leaves a negative review, it would be wonderful to get more specific feedback in the success score. Real specifics that can actually help us grow and correct bad habits or sloppy processes. I don’t feel it’s enough to just say something is negatively impacted and then you read a narrative about what your improvements can be. It’s like if you had an evaluation on your employment and the feedback was generic. You wouldn’t know what to correct. And sometimes the correction is so small, that if implemented would make such a huge difference. 

If someone gave me negative private feedback that said, “her voice was too raspy”  I would know that is not something I couldn’t change, it’s my voiceprint. But if I had feedback like, “we didn’t use the audio because she kept making mistakes and couldn’t pronounce things correctly” then I need to change my procedures or get more training or be more careful. 

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Can someone please tell me why are the sellers place prices on their gigs and when I agree to that price, they send me a quote for much higher than their page is stating? I recently needed 3D rendering work, his page said $30/ $70 / $200 I agreed to the $70 and what I need is a more simpler project than what I see him doing.  He quotes me back a day later $350 with a $30 first time discount.  Why is this more than what is on his page?  I've had this happen several times, I give up! I've worked with this site since the beginning and now it's just ridiculous. 

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12 hours ago, mateusbl said:

What don't make sense for me is: The buyer came from your gig, your gig displays all Prices there, so if the buyer cannot afford your prices why they message us?

Maybe to get some discount? Who knows

Well, to be fair, the whole add-on concept is confusing to some people. Maybe they want to 'talk' to and form a connection with the human behind the account before committing. 

The doozy for me are the inquiries for free custom samples without any mention of project budget, scope, or needs.

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15 hours ago, aloynperrin said:

why are the sellers place prices on their gigs and when I agree to that price, they send me a quote for much higher

If the buyer request is equal to what is displayed in my packages I always charges what is displayed in the package.

If the seller you contacted sent a bigger offer, you can mention that the gig page is $XX and not what he quoted for you. If you do not agree with this seller charges you can move to other sellers available on Fiverr.

Edited by mateusbl
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/17/2024 at 5:50 PM, mandyzines said:

Budget! I know it's a bit impersonal to start with that straight out of the gate but you can get days into communication only to find out the budget is very different from a seller's rates--add-ons included. Then, you have to go through that entire cycle again with another seller.

I second this! discussing budget early on is crucial and can save both sellers and buyers from wasting their time. 

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On 7/18/2024 at 12:25 AM, priyank_mod said:

Fiverr should find a way to encourage or even incentivize more buyers to participate in private reviews.

As of now, this process is stacked against the sellers because often unhappy/disgruntled buyers leave private reviews. This keeps us on the edge all the time and even creates situations where we have to comply with unreasonable demands of buyers. 


On 7/18/2024 at 7:41 AM, mateusbl said:

This is unfair for sellers, because unhappy buyers for sure 100% will fill the private survey. While, happy buyers even don't care to fill the public review, think about the private.

Unfortunately, this has always been the nature of reviews. Most people only leave reviews when they are either extremely satisfied or extremely dissatisfied. Even so, we appreciate the feedback and will keep it in mind for future updates. 

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On 7/18/2024 at 11:13 AM, melissaharlowvo said:

If a buyer leaves a negative review, it would be wonderful to get more specific feedback in the success score. Real specifics that can actually help us grow and correct bad habits or sloppy processes. I don’t feel it’s enough to just say something is negatively impacted and then you read a narrative about what your improvements can be. It’s like if you had an evaluation on your employment and the feedback was generic. You wouldn’t know what to correct. And sometimes the correction is so small, that if implemented would make such a huge difference. 

If someone gave me negative private feedback that said, “her voice was too raspy”  I would know that is not something I couldn’t change, it’s my voiceprint. But if I had feedback like, “we didn’t use the audio because she kept making mistakes and couldn’t pronounce things correctly” then I need to change my procedures or get more training or be more careful. 

Hi Melissa!  

Great points you make. It's important to note that the private reviews only consist of three questions in which buyers are able to rate their order on a scale. Public reviews are the only place for buyers to leave specific feedback for their sellers.

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On 7/30/2024 at 5:35 AM, Kesha said:

I second this! discussing budget early on is crucial and can save both sellers and buyers from wasting their time. 

Yes, please, and not asking us for a quote/bid then a custom sample. Just please let us know what the budget and the scope in its entirety is, as well as when it needs to be delivered.

This week, I had someone use the custom order request with $10 as the budget but in the text body they asked me to give them a quote and a sample read of their script. It took a day of back and forth texting to get the actual budget from them, at which point they told me "it's not a secret." 

I don't understand why some people choose to waste their own time.

Edited by mandyzines
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23 hours ago, Kesha said:

Great points you make. It's important to note that the private reviews only consist of three questions in which buyers are able to rate their order on a scale. Public reviews are the only place for buyers to leave specific feedback for their sellers.

This makes sense! Do we know what those questions are? If I knew, I would make triple sure that each one by itself was fulfilled to the highest expectation. Of course the goal is to have amazing customer service and even better deliveries, but people are unique and each person has something in their mind when they place an order. Some people don’t actually know what they want until they see it or hear it. But if we knew the 3 expectations perhaps we can all pivot a little to make sure we take care of those critical questions. 

It’s like shopping for a pair of shoes… I wear a size 5 which is small, but if I walk into a store and there are no 5s just 7 and above, I may assume it’s the fault of the store, or maybe it’s not their customer base or to carry a  size 5 doesn’t make business sense. I don’t know the answers but I do know that when I go to the RACK they have hundreds of size fives and that’s where I get my shoes. If I just knew what to expect, I can pivot and make sure the end result is that I get a pair of shoes that fit…so I shop at one store. If I shopped and bought a wrong size then I was sent a survey about it, I may be inclined to answer that I did not use the shoes because they didn’t fit. It’s not the fault of the store, but rather my expectations that I could find a pair of shoes that fit me but in a place that never sells size 5s. I hope that makes sense. Plus, it depends on if the person feels it’s just easier to keep the stupid pair of shoes or go and try to find the right size. Again, it’s not the fault of the store because they have a policy that says no questions asked! It’s the buyer who doesn’t have the patience to find what they want even if it’s a bit more back and forth. 


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On 7/31/2024 at 1:14 PM, melissaharlowvo said:

This makes sense! Do we know what those questions are? If I knew, I would make triple sure that each one by itself was fulfilled to the highest expectation. Of course the goal is to have amazing customer service and even better deliveries, but people are unique and each person has something in their mind when they place an order. Some people don’t actually know what they want until they see it or hear it. But if we knew the 3 expectations perhaps we can all pivot a little to make sure we take care of those critical questions. 

It’s like shopping for a pair of shoes… I wear a size 5 which is small, but if I walk into a store and there are no 5s just 7 and above, I may assume it’s the fault of the store, or maybe it’s not their customer base or to carry a  size 5 doesn’t make business sense. I don’t know the answers but I do know that when I go to the RACK they have hundreds of size fives and that’s where I get my shoes. If I just knew what to expect, I can pivot and make sure the end result is that I get a pair of shoes that fit…so I shop at one store. If I shopped and bought a wrong size then I was sent a survey about it, I may be inclined to answer that I did not use the shoes because they didn’t fit. It’s not the fault of the store, but rather my expectations that I could find a pair of shoes that fit me but in a place that never sells size 5s. I hope that makes sense. Plus, it depends on if the person feels it’s just easier to keep the stupid pair of shoes or go and try to find the right size. Again, it’s not the fault of the store because they have a policy that says no questions asked! It’s the buyer who doesn’t have the patience to find what they want even if it’s a bit more back and forth. 


Yes, love that analogy. The three questions are: 

  • How would you rate the overall quality of this delivery?
  • How closely did this delivery meet your expectations?
  • Was this delivery useful for your needs? 
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you @Kesha for your kindness, I am a WordPress Developer and designer and Fiverr level two seller right now. I've been working for 4+ years in web design & development. The experience I have earned by completing multiple jobs. I always offer unlimited revisions until my honorable buyer is satisfied. There are a lot of repeat buyers of my profile.

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12 hours ago, hamzaaslam423 said:

I need help please. Buyer send me massage to modify bank statements. I reject and fiverr send me warning massage. What i do. Please help me.

Hi there! 

Great job on reporting this user and rejecting the order. You have not received any warnings to your profile and your profile should be safe to use.

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