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Helpful Guide for new sellers to inspire [ARCHIVED]


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I always give my best to serve my clients. I always get good feedbacks with tips as well. But why don’t i get more orders? i just get 10-15 orders per month… its been 1 and half year… still i am struggling to make something better like other doing. I promote my gigs on social medias. i get huge views, but still not enough… could somebody please give me some guidelines?

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Guest nurrikta

This is the inspiration for me as a new seller.
I have created 3 Gigs.what I have to do to sell those fast? Please help me anyone.

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Here is some more info for new sellers:

favicon.icoFiverr Forum http://forum.fiverr.com//images/default-apple-touch-icon.png

Stop complaining you don't get sales and improve your gigs! How? Read this!

Hey guys! Every single time when I see someone complaining they don’t get any orders and when I look at their gigs, I see HUGE room for improvement in the descriptions. EVERY TIME! You need to SELL your gig! Is there any reason in your...

Reading time: 4 mins ? Likes: 28 ❤

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I totally agree! Almost all my gigs come from the offers on buyers requests. I’ve managed to build a few repeat customers out of the my initial reaching out.

Tenacity, absolutely! I just made Level 2 myself, and answering the Fiverr emails almost as soon as my alert on my cellphone dings is key. I will even admit to sleeping with my cell and getting up when I hear that ding!

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