Best Selling Gig Title Length (character count) Poll
How many characters, including spaces and commas etc. (excluding the initial "I will") are in your best selling gig's title on Fiverr (the gig that gets the most orders on average per month)?
12 members have voted
1. How many characters, including spaces and commas etc. (excluding the initial "I will") are in your best selling gig's title on Fiverr (the gig that gets the most orders on average per month)?
Under 15 characters (current min for new gig titles is 15 chars)0
15 to 20 characters0
21 to 25 characters0
26 to 30 characters
31 to 35 characters
36 to 40 characters
41 to 45 characters0
46 to 50 characters
51 to 55 characters
56 to 60 characters
61 to 65 characters0
66 to 70 characters
71 to 75 characters0
76 to 80 charactes
Over 80 characters (the current limit for new gig titles is 80 characters)
N/A (eg. if you haven't sold a gig yet)0
- 1 vote
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