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My Gig score is 4 and its not updating and all my reviews are with positive rating.



My Gig score is 4 and its not updating and all my reviews are with positive rating. I have already a lot reviews. Some of friend just share the profile with their clients if they have a lot work. so After the level score system my score is stuck on 4 and I am not able to make progress and my gigs are not showing. I have 6 gigs I tried to pause them but now they said me I can only Activate 4 gigs out of 6. What If i will delete my gigs and create new one will they show in the market place. Right now I am not able to make any type of progress even with all the new orders I have almost got 20+ new orders with 5* rating but still no success. The Score stuck on 4. And also gigs are not showing any score.
Please give me a good advice. I will be really thankful.

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 12.39.44 AM.png

Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 12.40.21 AM.png

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On 7/3/2024 at 8:41 PM, arfideveloper said:

The Score stuck on 4. And also gigs are not showing any score.

The success score will be taking into account private ratings

You can read about the success score here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/21965360854673-Success-score

So things like "client satisfaction" can be one of the things they can score in the private ratings section.

Also gigs not showing a score will likely be because there haven't been enough ratings (or private ratings) for those gigs recently. So when more people order and give you enough private ratings in each gig you'll probably get a score there.

It does say on that help page that the success score "is intentionally designed to remain relatively stable".

Edited by uk1000
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