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Not Getting Impressions and Clicks Despite Creating Attractive Gigs and Being Active



Hi everyone,

I'm a new seller on Fiverr, and I'm facing some challenges with my gigs. Despite putting in a lot of effort to create attractive and well-described gigs, I'm not getting many impressions or clicks. I've made sure to:

  • Create eye-catching gig thumbnails and detailed descriptions.
  • Stay online as much as possible to increase visibility.
  • Respond promptly to all messages, even though most of them seem to be scams.

Here's what I've done so far:

  1. Optimized My Gigs: I used relevant keywords and detailed descriptions.
  2. Active Presence: I try to be online frequently to catch potential buyers.
  3. Responsive: I reply quickly to messages, although many have been spam.

Despite all this, my gigs are still not getting the visibility I hoped for. Could anyone share some insights or tips on what else I can do to improve my gig impressions and attract genuine buyers? Is there something specific I might be missing?

Thanks in advance for your help!


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