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If you could grow or change your business in one way TODAY and money was no object...


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Howdy everyone - 

I love picking others' brains (not in a Zombie-like fashion, at least on Wednesdays) in and out of my own industry (Voiceover) to see what makes a business tick, and I'd love to know your take on the following.

If I gave you a blank check (access to unlimited funding, for those that don't do checks) today and told you that you had to use that money to solve a single business problem or challenge or fulfill one of your business goals in the next 24 hours, how would you invest it? What would you change? How would you grow?

Working with a branding and marketing expert to reach that "next level" maybe? A crazy hardware upgrade for your operation? Bigger water cooler? More donuts in your office? 1800 Funko Pops to line your studio's walls?

Apart from giving yourself the biggest bonus check known to man so you could immediately close up shop and retire (wouldn't we all?) I'd love to hear what gears start turning for you.

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