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Is there no policy / guidelines to evaluate Buyers???

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Hey there, 

I will try to keep it short to apologies if this goes long by any chance

I really want to know from you all is there absolutely no policy no guidelines nothing to evaluate Buyers at all ? And is it all about whatever buyers wants they can do forever? 

Here is the situation I wanted to share update on.

1. A buyer reached out asking for some software installation on super urgent basis. He was like send me quote right away or else not interested. Inspite of offering to give him sample of project he said it's fine just send a quote and we can get started right away. I did the same and clearly mentioned in the description " as discussed with buyer, the requirement is to install the software, give him walk though and even integrate with additional.platforms, once done the project will be completed. No revision required for this since it's an installation request . Even mentioned inspite of offering sample of output, client denied and wanted to proceed with installation right away to creating this contract. 

2. During initial chat conversation, client was like send me the quote , anyways if it doesn't work i can get my money refund by cancelling it ( this was kind of a signal for me whether to proceed with this client as he might create nuisance later on ). But I still did because I was confident that it's an installation request I will be able to do it successfully and will document everything in details and also the zoom calls are recorded anyways 


3. We went on a call via zoom meeting, during the conversation just to ensure everything is documented, i repeated myself ' this project is for installation of software, walk though to show how it works and integrate with platforms post which this will be considered delivered, do you agree to that , Client said yes let's proceed please install it fast ( as i mentioned he was in super hurry )

 Throughout the call client was like oh , I know about the software but seems like I was using wrong settings and hence it didn't work for me, you are awesome. You are great. He kept testing in between and observed things are so great which he never expected to be.He was even having issues with his usb headset and I recommended and guided him to go with Bluetooth headset and assisted with that by going beyond the scope of the work. He was very very appreciative of my work in the call ( I was thinking wow seems like I was unnecessarily worrying about his behaviour of rushing thing he likes my work and everything is going good )

 For further assurance, while still being on call I kept updating order page on the steps performed like installation completed, waiting for client to collect headset. Assisting with that issue etc etc. He even said wow, your work is awesome. This might get you additional money ( i was happy thinking he is planning to give me some bonus additionally )


After successful installation and complete walk though and integrating with additional platforms, when client tested everything and confirmed things are perfect for him we agreed to close the call and i marked it delivered immediately by mentioning the steps performed. 

After few hours, client requested for revision saying something is not working right please get on zoom call

 I immediately responded to him to change something ( note this was already explained during the initial zoom call but he changed some settings ) and added that as delivery saying this will resolve the issue. If not, let me know I will get on call for you. Client never replied to my review and decided to ignore the message and delivery for more than a day


After more than a day, he sent messages saying this is not a good tool,the review is very bad bla bla please install a new good software for me ( exactly what I had anticipated ) .

He was basically trying to have a tactics to either get this cancelled or refund to he could exploit my service and ofcourse miuse the platform ( in a way he clearly knew it can be easily done being a buyer on this platform ) 


Note, as soon as I had done the first delivery, i raised a ticket with Fiverr support saying I have a string feeling that this client will create some issues in the future hence I want to keep you apprised of situation and I have kept everything documented for you to understand and evaluate 


The response i recieved from Fiverr ' Note that it's only Buyer who can approve your delivery and complete the project , we can't do anything so please talk to him to resolve any issues and we can't consider the zoom recording for any evaluation of successful delivery ( pardon my exact sentence ) only screenshot attached will be valid

If the client would not have responded for another 1 day by default the project would be marked completed and closed but he knew if he requests for review, it will be in hanging state unless we proceed on it

Inspite of not wanting i tried to continue conversation with him and said I am absolutely fine to get on zoom call but please clarify what this review request is for as I already delivery the project within the scope and I am willing to co-operate to get this towards closure 


Now the client has not been responsive since 3 days now, no response to my follow up messages, zoom invitation simply nothing 


And after 20 emails with Fiverr support, someone finally said if you want i can reach out to buyer to ask what exactly is the review request for and let's give him 24-48 hours to respond back either to us or to you 


I waited and then asked Fiverr for some update, response I am getting " if you want we can send another follow up to buyer to give him 24-48 hours to reply back ). 


It's something like they just don't want to see the messages, project scope, project description, buyer's tactics on not getting this closed, not being responsive using tactics and want to just wait forever. For buyer to come back whenever he wants to whatever be wants and if he doesn't want just wait for eternity 


I lost my calm after 25 emails when Fivver support just said since buyer is not responding , may be try giving him Partial Refund. Sorry to say this is ridiculous to the core. Why the hell Should I offer him Partial refund for? On what grounds? Inspite of all this hassle I still agreed to get on zoom call and see what exactly he wants even though it's completely out of scope of support, and he went unresponsive since days and i should just give him Partial refund??? 

I had faith in this professional platform who would do due diligence to go through details and take informed decision but seems like it's just of no use. Absolutely no one is willing to do anything about it 


This is exactly what the buyer wants and he knew how to get though it!!! 

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I guess inevitably, every one of us would run into a customer like this. 

By reading what you have written here, you have done everything right. However, I think this is where you went wrong: 


He was even having issues with his usb headset and I recommended and guided him to go with Bluetooth headset and assisted with that by going beyond the scope of the work.

Knowing it's gonna be a difficult customer, you shouldn't have done anything beyond the scope of the agreement. This might have been an indicator to the client that you are somewhat "exploitable" 


After few hours, client requested for revision saying something is not working right please get on zoom call.

 I immediately responded to him to change something ( note this was already explained during the initial zoom call but he changed some settings ) and added that as delivery saying this will resolve the issue. If not, let me know I will get on call for you. Client never replied to my review and decided to ignore the message and delivery for more than a day

There you should've evaluated whether it's beyond the scope of the agreement and politely told him that you cannot do it. You shouldn't have offered revisions for an order like this anyway.

Anyways... It's easy for me to break down what went wrong here after reading about it on the forums. Try to sort this out with him and explain to him that if whatever he's asking for is beyond the scope of the agreement, you will not do it, and you'll be happy to work on it for additional pay. 

Good luck!

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@creative_howlappreciate your response and honestly I exactly did what you said mentioning let's visit what exactly is your request and if your request is beyond the scope of the project, there will be additional charge. I was having this conversation and he stopped responding to me over message and reopened delivery saying need revision. And when I reached out to the support mentioning the same, they just responded saying we see buyer has requested for revision and the project can't be completed unless confirmed by buyer. It's like the support team doesn't want to read the entire conversation. They are simply overlooking all the details and saying buyer requested for revision and only buyer can complete the project. But he simply went unresponsive. And like to are suggesting to sort it out, it's impossible to talk to someone who is tactically just requesting revision and my problem is I am stuck here as support is saying as per policy guidelines you can't deliver with mentioning certain details here 


This is extremely ridiculous and like I said , no one is trying to understand the situation or rht exact questiom here. There hasto be a solution , why should I be stuck here unnecessarily just because buyer is online, very much seen on platform but not willing to reply or say anything just left in review and as per support team i can't mark it delivered by even saying I had delivered the installation 

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3 hours ago, nasimbano744 said:

Just checking in, has anyone faced a similar situation? Please advise 

Something similar also happened to me, however Fiverr always comes out in favor of the buyer and not the seller, I don't know if I'm wrong, but in almost 2 years that I have been on Fiverr, it has always been like

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3 hours ago, jhordanpadilla said:

Something similar also happened to me, however Fiverr always comes out in favor of the buyer and not the seller, I don't know if I'm wrong, but in almost 2 years that I have been on Fiverr, it has always been like

I agree with you. I wish Fiverr could just look into the details to take informed decision .it's like they are simply ignoring every details mentioned related to project and delivery and just seeing that buyer didn't approve. That's it

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