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Not getting queries or orders

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I hope everyone is doing well. I believe I meet all the standards of Fiverr for being a high-quality seller (profile stats screenshot attached). However, it has been a week or two since I received any queries or orders, which has caused me some stress. I am wondering if this might be due to my recent interactions with two clients. I will detail my experiences with each client below:

Client 1: This client was initially very happy after discussing the project with me, feeling that I was a perfect fit, and proceeded to place an order with two milestones. I successfully completed the first milestone as per his expectations, and he was very pleased with the output. However, an hour later, he changed his mind and entirely altered the project scope, stating he no longer needed the initial work and wanted something different. He then began blaming me for not delivering what he wanted and refused to approve the milestone. I discussed the matter with Customer Support (CS) and provided evidence that his initial requirements were met and accepted, but he changed the scope afterwards. CS advised me to keep communicating with the client, which was challenging, but fortunately, the client eventually apologized and accepted the delivery, admitting it was his mistake. However, he canceled the second milestone as he no longer needed the work.

(Could this be the reason? I have heard that contacting Customer Support too much can negatively impact profile performance, but I am unsure if this is true.)

Client 2: This client frequently blackmailed me during the project, constantly adding new requirements and asking for revisions, claiming certain tasks were not done. This happened 4-5 times. To avoid canceling the order and affecting my profile stats, I worked with him for 8 hours daily in Loom meetings for two days, performing out-of-scope work. I finally completed his project, including significant extra work, and he marked the order as completed after a thorough review, which was a relief. However, a month later, he contacted me with more work and started blackmailing me again, claiming that previous tasks were still pending. He also threatened to report me to CS unless I removed the feedback I had left for him. I stood my ground as I had completed all his initial requirements and more, and felt I should not be held accountable for new issues arising after a month.

(Sorry for the long stories—I need help or guidance in such cases.)


I am currently running ads with auto CPC, and while my spending is going through, I have only received 4-5 queries this month, none of which have resulted in a response. My average response time to clients is around 5-20 minutes.

I would appreciate any suggestions on how I can improve my performance or if there are any changes I should make for better results.


Thank You.

level stats.PNG


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2 hours ago, wordpresscharm said:

However, it has been a week or two since I received any queries or orders, which has caused me some stress. I am wondering if this might be due to my recent interactions with two clients.



Client 1: Cancellation definitely hurt the profile, even if it was partial (just a milestone).

Client 2: He might have left you 'negative private feedback' after receiving your public rating. This might affect your profile for 3 to 6 months. 

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