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Correlation Between "Fiverr's Choice" & Buyer Quality  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you noticed a correlation between the "Fiverr's Choice" badge and buyer quality?

    • Yes, a negative one.
    • Yes, a positive one.
    • No, I haven't noticed a difference.
    • Unsure / Don't have the experience yet.

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Hello all,

I know this seems like a bizarre request for advice, but hopefully it's not just me and others have experienced it too. I feel flattered of course, having the Fiverr's choice badge on my gig. I'm sure it boosts my credibility, which I am grateful for. Unfortunately, I've had really bad luck with all clients I've gotten with the badge. Many buyers purchase my gig thinking it's what they need for their business, when they really need something else entirely. It requires back and forth communication and the scope of my projects frequently change. Through paid ads, promos I've run, and pricing adjustments - I've always been successful with attentive buyers who have worked with me to get them where they needed to be. We've completed projects, left reviews, everyone was happy. Currently though, I have 5 overdue projects - all of whom are Fiverr's Choice clients - none of whom want to communicate to get their projects closed out.

Am I crazy? Has this been anyone else's experience? Is there some correlation

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