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Is it a Scam? - a quick guide

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If you have to ask yourself whether something is a scam, it very likely IS one.


There is a bit more to it! Lately, new sellers have been bombarded by (mostly) 2 kinds of scammers.

1. The Good Ol'e Telegram peoples

What you might see?

-  message like this (this message is FAKE, written by me as an example!):

This message is likely to be caught by Fiverr's automatic system (or by other sellers), but the usernames/etc remain for a while.

What might happen?

You will likely be asked to carry out some tasks for 'good money' (like copypasting things or just data entry/etc,) but when you are supposed to be 'paid', they will ask you to send them some cash to verify your account...

You will only lose money (and likely your Fiverr account.)

2. The New-ish Fake Support Scammers

- This one is trickier to notice because there seem to be a few variants going around.

Variant A:

A 'buyer' will pretend that you need to 'verify' your account for them to place an order. They will ask for your email - and once you provide that, they will try to get you to enter your card details to quite literally steal from you.

Here is what it might look like (please excuse the awful graphics): 


This is FAKE in every instance. If your account is disabled, you WILL get an email,  but you will also see that in your gigs! 

(the graphic might be a lot more convincing than mine, but don't fall for it!)

Variant B,

'Fiverr' (aka the scammers) will contact you in your inbox with an image with a QR code to scan. From what I've seen, this will take you to a site to verify your card details (just like above) and will steal from you once again!

The first thing to remember is that Fiverr Support does NOT exist in your inbox. They will NOT contact you (especially not by an unverified new account) there. 

Ignore them.

IF something seems wrong with your account, contact CS to see what could be wrong.


If someone sends you a sketchy image or link, ignore it and mark it as a scam. If you're unsure, contact CS to double-check

(PS.: If any graphic pros can mock something better up (that is still obviously fake) please do so!)



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On 6/5/2024 at 9:10 AM, visualstudios said:

I have a very simple guide, that has served me very well:

"Is it a scam?"


If you need to ask, you already have your answer.

I agree - but many people seem to fall for the second scam despite that.

I assume it's part not knowing how to navigate the site (or language) and part, well, just not being internet savvy. 

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in my freelancing journey, i have seen more spammer than real orders  one spammer give me or code in Fiverr attachment 

after i scan a page open url  https://fiverr.id90489.com/order/261703219  in this url my video title,my video, plus my pricing was also same  at the bottom of page withdraw money button, yes i have reported it 

image look like 


WhatsApp Image 2024-06-11 at 03.25.43_da0dc9b5.jpg

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This is a complete scam which is why I am warning new sellers in advance to be careful

On 6/10/2024 at 5:58 PM, raviprakashs105 said:

in my freelancing journey, i have seen more spammer than real orders  one spammer give me or code in Fiverr attachment 

 in this url my video title,my video, plus my pricing was also same  at the bottom of page withdraw money button, yes i have reported it 

They are very advanced level scammers they have created websites exactly like fiverr which we can call phishing sites.

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On 6/12/2024 at 9:05 AM, sharzilzofi said:

This is a complete scam which is why I am warning new sellers in advance to be careful

They are very advanced level scammers they have created websites exactly like fiverr which we can call phishing sites.

Is this a scammer or a Fiverr statement that's impossible to understand?
Using the Fiverr platform for the purpose of a scam under the name of Fiverr? How terrible to think about!

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  • 4 weeks later...

There's also one of the gray scams, as i like to call them. A buyer contacts you, giving promises of a big job, but asking first for a "test" voice recording. The buyer puts a string of sentences for you to record, with precise details on how they want it regarding technicalities. They actualy need just one real sentance, but they don't want to pay for it. So you take the "test" recording, send it to them and never hear from them again.

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I feel really sad because of the amount of scams and because newbies react to it. I'm in a chat where we discuss freelancing and every day someone writes and asks if it's a scam. I feel so bad for these people.

The other day I created a new gig and overnight I received 8 messages from scammers. I wonder why Fiverr doesn't do anything about it. 5 out of 8 had an almost identical nickname.

Edited by ketrin_designer
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On 7/21/2024 at 12:07 PM, ketrin_designer said:

I feel really sad because of the amount of scams and because newbies react to it. I'm in a chat where we discuss freelancing and every day someone writes and asks if it's a scam. I feel so bad for these people.

The other day I created a new gig and overnight I received 8 messages from scammers. I wonder why Fiverr doesn't do anything about it. 5 out of 8 had an almost identical nickname.

Hi there! 

We are aware of the ongoing spam issue and please rest assured that we are actively making strides in helping to ensure your account remains secure. To help us stop the scammers we also ask for your help by reporting any suspicious users or contacting our Customer Support team. 

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