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Unwanted order



Dear all,


I'm in trouble with my repeated client if anyone provide me a good suggestion

My repeated client asked me for translation of a file having 46 pages, my price was high and at the end, we agreed on very less amount (I just told him that I will ignore all formatting), we agreed, and he accepted my custom offer.

After he placed the order, he told me I need this in two languages which is impossible to be covered with the amount he placed me order, now I have lost my way, he is my repeated client, I asked him to revise the offer, but he is ignoring me, he is just saying deliver me quality work else we will stop working with you.

Is CS team the only way here to cancel the order (I know even with CS order cancellation; my account will be affected) I need a suggestion please.

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1 answer to this question

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Hi! You can continue to try to reason with the buyer to see if the two of you can reach a mutual agreement on the scope. 

If you guys can't see eye to eye, I would recommend requesting to cancel the order. Once you do so, reach out to Customer Support for assistance on making sure the cancellation doesn't negatively impact any of your metrics. 

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