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Success score up and down very quickly!!
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By surajpro, in My Fiverr Experience
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Hello Fiverr forum members!!
Let me first say that I am a Fiverr level 2 seller and I have been working as an active seller in the Fiverr marketplace since 2019. One thing I have been noticing for a while now since the launch of the new Fiverr level system is this thing I have been noticing in my account, every 3 to 4 days and 6 to 7 days my success rate is decreasing and increasing. I have completed 50 plus projects in last one month and my maximum feedback is 5 stars. But still my success rate is coming down to 6 and again up to 7 I don't know what should I do and I'm down to 6 again. I am satisfying every client and they are happy giving me five star feedback and some clients are giving me tips. And I'm getting impressions and clicks on my gig every day even my account success score is going up and down. Every day there are some number of orders and they are being successfully completed. Still my success score is up and down. I am looking for advice from experienced sellers on how they are maintaining their success score. How are they doing such a difficult task I want some advice from them I hope I get good advice I will benefit from it.
I look forward to your advice.
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