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I am not very new to fiverr but still a new seller and a week back I got an order for a extra fast delivery(with added fee), without an prior notice. And his only requirement for my 'website redeisgn gig' was that I represent what they do with using their contents. I should mention that they sent the requirement with wp-acess credential with 2 preferred site link in doc file with shared link. I worked on the site for 3 days for 27page redesign. It was mostly 7 key design, and rest of the pages being similar templates. It was tough but I managed to finish in the deadling and delivered the order. In the whole duration the buyer was inactive. But the next day after delivery he asked for revision, saying he will review the site. 3 days later when I knocked he said, their team is making a docfile with required changes. The next day I sent an order extension request and the following exchanges happened:

Direct Order cancellation request: "Hi, We have checked the website. We asked for redesign of existing website but you uploaded a new theme with many unnecessary demo content and also there are many nulled plugins uploaded by you . so we have to clean the website now and we are now hiring a local web developer to help us clean the mess you made on our site. please just cancel this order and refund the amount"

My declined the request and replied:
"I am sorry, there seems to be a misunderstanding. I had not changed or uploaded any theme in your site, I worked with pre-installed theme, nor did I add any null plugin. Had I needed a plugin I would have simply asked you. I added Elementor Header & Footer plugin on top of Elementor which was pre-installed in your site. That plugin is not a null plugin, I assure you. And for contents, I used whatever was available on your site. If you want me to change any content, you can ask me to. I will change that. But canceling this order after I have worked 3 day & nights to redesign 27 pages for you is troubling for me. Had you asked to cancel the order after I was done only with the homepage, I would
have surely obliged. But please understand that is not quite possible for me now. If you have any questions or want any changes you can relay that to me. Thank you 🙂"

Then he sent another cancellation request saying he can't pay me for ruining his site and again mentioning theme change null plugin etc.. which I declined and said "Can you name the theme and the plugins installed?"
He again sent cancellating request saying "Just cancel it place".
To which I declined and directly said to him that he doen't want to talk and resolve thing and seems that he just wants to cancel the order.

He again sent a cancellation request with:
"You see those extra pages were not supposed to be there. I never told you to make those extra pages. And you did not make those pages you just put a theme and put a demo and why did you use nulled zip files on my website ? That's horrible and I can't pay you for ruining my website. Please cancel now"
And then also sent a message: "I will have to report to fiverr if you wont cancel this time"
I cancelled saying:
"Please do. From my end it seems extremely unfair. So, it would be great to have them resolve the dispute. 🙂
I redesigned your site, did not install any null plugin, did not change or update the theme, used your contents, redesigned all existing pages. But the claims you are making are absurd.
I took a backup of your site before I started working. So I hope you can prove your claims. Good luck 🙂"
And this time for the first time I made a second delivery too. 
To which he rejected and just messaged "Need fiverr support to cancel this order"
Also weirdly said "Oh my God, Did you just delete all the stuff from my website ???? why are you doing this ?? please restore website to the original when you started working" (His website is still clearly visible at the url)
I replied: "Did I just? You changed your wp access 4 days ago."
He replied "No. You are lying"
To which I said nothing. 

Now I also created a support ticket the very first day he sent a cancellating request with such false claims. Four days letter, today I got reply to that ticket saying, only way for a order to be complete is for to got approval from buyer. The buyer behaviour is strange they will review it and if I am eligible they will compensate me. (They said it in a more friendly tone yes, I am not mentioning all of it word to word.) But for now I should send mutual cancellation request. 

And I did. Which I clearly didn't want to, as I don't want to accept what I think is not 'right'. So I am here to ask and complain why this is the only procedure.
Also I should mention that, the very first doc file link that I got for requirements, was slightly changed, where the links are no longer there, wp-access changed from what was given, still false information. He changed the wp-access credential on first cancellation, and a specific line was added that "Do not create any new page" (I created one for accessiblity, I guess that was added because of that.)

I am at a loss, and frustrated, have set my account to unavailable for the time being.

Edited by ranjan_deb
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