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how can i get more sales in my comic artist service?


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Hi, I have a question, how can I get more customers in my comic artist service? I'm not going through a good time financially and I really need to sell something before the end of the month or before a full month, and I'm desperate I'm active every day I'm connected 12 hours on the platform but nothing comes to me, even try other freelance platforms not because fiverr is bad, but because I need to sell urgently, even my service is at 5 dollars and for that price I make 6 pages and the cover for free, please if anyone knows any tips on how to sell more, tell me please or if you know of someone who needs or is interested in making comic I will always be available, thank you.

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On 5/24/2024 at 1:19 AM, zatobox said:

my service is at 5 dollars and for that price I make 6 pages and the cover for free

Do NOT undersell yourself. That will not help at all. Desperation attracts scammers.

Expand your gig description. Add two more samples by saving them as PDFs. Add some FAQs about what kind of things you will and will NOT do. Get rid of the 'cheap' tag. DO NOT OFFER UNLIMITED REVISIONS.

Maybe make a second gig for just line-art comics without color. Maybe a third gig if you're good at 'inking' other people's drawings.

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On 28/5/2024 at 21:13, imagination7413 said:

NO te subestimes. Eso no ayudará  en absoluto . La desesperación atrae a los estafadores.

Expande la descripción de tu concierto. Agregue dos muestras más guardándolas como archivos PDF. Agregue algunas preguntas frecuentes sobre qué tipo de cosas hará y qué NO hará. Deshazte de la etiqueta "barato". NO OFREZCA REVISIONES ILIMITADAS.

Tal vez hacer un segundo concierto solo para cómics lineales sin color. Tal vez un tercer trabajo si eres bueno "entintando" los dibujos de otras personas.

hello, thank you very much for answering me, i am going to apply your advice, i know it is not good to be desperate, i just really need to make an urgent sale, i really need the money, i only have weeks left to make a sale and i am desperate, i didn't get anything and i have my days counted to get even a single sale, besides I have so much free time for not getting any job in this that I could literally draw 20 pages for one person, I'm running out of days to wait and in such a desperate moment I try to take desperate measures, sorry for bothering you writing this and thanks for helping me, I will apply what you told me, have a nice day. :)))

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12 hours ago, zatobox said:

sorry for bothering you writing this

It's no bother. You're asking for help, I'm merely offering some ideas that might help. Sorry if I came across harshly. I'm an amateur artist myself, and I've also been through periods of financial strain, so I understand both sides of that struggle. 

Have you read this thread yet?


There are a few sections that are outdated, but overall it's a GREAT resource for a lot of starter stuff.

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