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Need Feedback on My Fiverr Gigs - Not Getting Orders (WordPress Developer)



Hi Fiverr Community,

I hope you're all doing well. I recently created several gigs on Fiverr as a WordPress developer, but I'm not getting any orders despite my efforts. Could you please take a look at my gigs and provide some feedback on what I might be doing wrong or what I can improve?

Here are the links to my gigs:

  1. https://www.fiverr.com/s/N78bgG
  2. https://www.fiverr.com/s/EWNK4d

I've tried to make my gig descriptions clear and detailed multiple times, and I believe my pricing is competitive. However, I'm still not receiving any orders or inquiries.

I would greatly appreciate any advice or suggestions on:

  • Improving my gig descriptions and titles
  • Enhancing my gig images and videos
  • Adjusting my pricing strategy
  • Any other tips to make my gigs more appealing to potential buyers

Thank you so much for your time and help!

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