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Best way to prompte gig



Hi everyone! So with the introduction on new level system, my gig is going downhills to a point where it's getting a bit scary now. Anyways i was trying ways to promote my gig in hopes to get some traffic. can you suggest best platforms/groups to promote gig on social media. I'm afraid most people just click links out of curiosity with no intention to buy which may results in higher impressions with no orders, which may affect gig negatively. so what's the best and safest practice to promote gigs outside fiverr. 

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If you converse or check with any of the veteran sellers on the forum - they will simply tell you that it doesn't work and it even brings down the conversion rate for the gig (which you also mentioned). Fiverr officially encourages sellers to share the gigs on social media because it creates the opportunity to bring new buyers to Fiverr but it simply doesn't work!! 

But this thread might get overrun by inexperienced sellers screaming YES to the idea because that's what Outside Fiverr Gurus have taught them!! 🫠

You're a Level 2 seller, so using promoted gigs within the realm of platform would be a better idea. 

Edited by priyank_mod
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34 minutes ago, fareeharazi said:

can you suggest best platforms/groups to promote gig on social media.

From my pov, the only social media platform that can generate interested real purchasers - is linkedin.

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2 hours ago, akib0079 said:

From my pov, the only social media platform that can generate interested real purchasers - is linkedin.


2 hours ago, priyank_mod said:

If you converse or check with any of the veteran sellers on the forum - they will simply tell you that it doesn't work and it even brings down the conversion rate for the gig (which you also mentioned). Fiverr officially encourages sellers to share the gigs on social media because it creates the opportunity to bring new buyers to Fiverr but it simply doesn't work!! 

But this thread might get overrun by inexperienced sellers screaming YES to the idea because that's what Outside Fiverr Gurus have taught them!! 🫠

You're a Level 2 seller, so using promoted gigs within the realm of platform would be a better idea. 

I've been promoting gigs and my gigs were doing great in the past. But with new success rating everything has changed, my impressions and click are stuck on same numbers since last 5-ish days which is so weird coz my gig is still ranking on first pages. How can my gig not gain any impressions even when it's right there in search results.

In this month i only received 2 orders that were from my gig promotion, it's almost as if fiverr system somehow isn't letting my gig reach any organic traffic or stopping me from getting orders, something about their algo, maybe. I'm just lost😐 

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2 hours ago, akib0079 said:

From my pov, the only social media platform that can generate interested real purchasers - is linkedin.

You are right. A lot of people recommended me to join groups on linked in so I'm definitely going to try that. I hope i can see any changes.😔

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So i contacted support, i was afraid maybe my gig was perhaps flagged which might be causing low traffic on my gig, i had no organic impressions. She assured my everything was fine and impressions will increase as demand increases. For the time being i contacted my old buyers sent them  follow-up message and i did get a few order from them. I hope once i do start to get positive reviews and positive private feedback from them, things will get better:)

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That doesn't change much. It's really that you

2 hours ago, jahed_hasanjony said:

saty one active 24/7

and promote your gig social media

That doesn't help much. It's really that you are at the mercy of fiverr's algo. It's not easy to get work from social media. Fiverr used to have Buyer request which was great opportunity when work was slower, now with briefs again, they only send work to sellers who are already ranking so if someone's not ranking well and not in fiverr's "good books" you won't benefit from that anyway. So the only option is to hope to get work from old buyers, as that's the safest bet🤷‍♀️

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