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How do you stay sane?


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As rewarding and flexible as freelancing is, it can certainly come with its fair share of stresses. 

While on your freelancing journey, make sure to take care of your mental health so you can avoid burnout and continue having the capacity to serve your clients with excellence. Here are some of our top tips on how to maintain your mental health while working as a freelancer: 

  • Set dedicated work hours- Create a schedule and stick to it. Having a routine can help you balance work and personal life. Of course things will happen that shift your schedule, but having a loose idea of when you’re done for your day is a great start.
  • Separate workspace from living space- Designate a specific area for work to maintain boundaries. Who wants to be in their kitchen worrying about the next piece of work they have to do? Not you! Separate your space so you don’t associate your kitchen or living room with work. 
  • Connect with other freelancers- Sharing experiences with like-minded peers can offer support and understanding. The forum and LinkedIn are great places to do that. 
  • Prioritize physical health- Regular exercise and healthy eating play a big role in overall well-being. Getting outside to wiggle or eating a quick brain food when you’re feeling stuck can make all the difference

What's your best practice for maintaining mental health while freelancing? Share your tips below! 

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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, Kesha said:

Set dedicated work hours- Create a schedule and stick to it. Having a routine can help you balance work and personal life. Of course things will happen that shift your schedule, but having a loose idea of when you’re done for your day is a great start.

Shouldn't we be able to set that in Fiverr somewhere so Fiverr doesn't start timing us outside those hours and show a long response time if we don't reply fast enough outside those working hours? Shouldn't it let the buyers know if they're sending messages outside the seller's working hours?

And is Fiverr going to take working hours into account in their system which evaluates us (to stop is getting low scores if we don't work/reply outside those working hours)? Or the messages on order page where it says the user has been waiting for a response/update for "x hours!!!" even if they were outside the seller's working hours? Shouldn't sellers also be able to take certain days off (eg. weekends) without the system lowering rank etc?

Edited by uk1000
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My best practice? I deleted facebook app and my account in order to remain 'sane'. Using Fiverr or any other freelancing app/marketplace for a fixed period of time isn't possible due to the timezone differences; however, it's possible to limit my social media usage. It pays off. 

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I lost my sanity years ago -- never missed it. 🙂  (channeling Salvador Dali a bit here)

I try to keep work activities organized, finite, and separate from the "rest of my life" as such. Work is often a necessity, but recreation is important for overall well-being. Even over the course of a busy day, I take time out in small intervals to go for a walk, listen to music, or just find a quiet place to sit and relax.

On off days, I may briefly check messages, but unless something is critically urgent, they can wait for normal business hours to get my responses. Same goes for "late night/early morning" messages. I don't work 24x7x365. 

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A typical day usually has 1 to 2 hrs spent on low value tasks like task priorities for the day, dig through overload of info/data to work on a deliverable or email relevant info to client, recurring steps in tasks etc. Find ways to save time through these, which not only helps through burnout but also helps make time to learn/grow or find a work life balance.

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