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The new level systems needs more transparency and an overhaul

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I used to be a level 2 seller, until the new leveling systems, which arbitrarily decided that I am now level one, and there is nothing I can do about it. This has hurt my business greatly and I saw a significant drop in orders immediately.

I am failing the categories client satisfaction and effective communication, even though my ratings are at 99% and response rate at 100%. I never receive any complaints or cancellations, and my clients tip me very often.

The "how to improve this score" is also a vague explanation with no real instructions. I am always helpful and professional in my communications, but the systems demands something more, but never says what exactly or what is the issue. It is really not user friendly and poorly thought to rate you based on "whatever we feel like" instead of any actual metrics or things that I can improve with clear instruction.

I have seen many people on this forum say that their personal seller plus instructors tell that the new review system is based on an AI system, which reads your messages and analyzes your language and communication. This would be a fine system, but Fiverr has never publicly announced that this is how it is done. And it is very uncomfortable that there are no clear instructions on what is the thing that I should be doing differently.

When a customer sends me a message with just "Hi" and I say "Hi, how can I help you today?", the system thinks that nah, this is poor communication. But you have to guess what to do differently.


I really wish that the system would be more transparent, or at least helpful. Now it feels like just an annoying teenager telling everything you do is wrong, but never specifying what.

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I am having the same experience.  I have been a fiverr seller for 10 years, 9.5 of those as a Level 2.  Until the system change, I was always rated at 5.0.  I provide daily updates, and I respond to all messages within an hour.  I over-deliver, and I enjoy a lot of repeat orders. 

Since the new system, I have dipped from the so-called "success score" of 8 to 6, and am currently in the "grace period".  Yet well over half of my clients give me tips and 5-star ratings.  There is absolutely no clarity regarding how I went from 8 to 6 nor how to ascend again.  I am beyond frustrated; it is evident that this time next month I will be a Level 1 again.

I was aghast when I learned about the rise of AI (it's a long time coming but has accelerated in the last year).  Fiverr was an excellent platform for a long time.  I wonder how long they would last if they pointed their AI algorithms at their own behaviors.

Very frustrating, watching what was once a strong, steady organization being taking in by an AI devoid of humanity that has our hands shackled and our eyes blindfolded.  I'm all for improvement, but the AI's recommendations for improvement are vague and provide no useful input.

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Have you tried reaching out to Fiverr support for clarification on how to improve your scores? Sometimes, they can provide helpful insights and guidance. Hang in there, and hopefully, things will improve soon!

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5 hours ago, drschneider said:

I am failing the categories client satisfaction and effective communication, even though my ratings are at 99% and response rate at 100%. I never receive any complaints or cancellations, and my clients tip me very often.

I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through—it's a nightmare. I noticed that you speak Finnish — I don't know whether it's relevant to your situation, but someone else on Fiverr was told by their Success Manager that the AI tool that analyzes effective communication only considers messages in English so they should always communicate in English. 

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Yes, Yes I agree with this topic "The new level systems need more transparency and an overhaul" 

I have been using fiverr since 2019, I have earned 30k plus USD, and all matrics are completed for TOP Rated sellers, but fiverr flagged my level system due to unknown reasons, anybody knows did after 30 days this flag was removed or not, if anyone has an information please comments because I am so upset due to fiverr act. thanks 

Screenshot 2024-05-06 171059.png

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