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What do "keywords" do? I expected it to affect search results



I'm having a lot of trouble setting up a gig becuase there's only 80 characters allowed in the headline and it appears that's the only place the search looks for matching terms. What I don't understand is what the keywords do? I noticed any word added to the keywords doesn't seems to affect the search bar results? What is their purpose and how can I use them if they do not affect search results?

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Ok it appears to be working now. I noticed I waited overnight for it to index, but still wasn't returning results with search teams listed in the keyword tags. I changed the keyword tags a few times this morning while testing, and after the last change it started working immediately so I don't think it was an issue of waiting for it to finish indexing.


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This doesn't really answer my question about keywords because it's assumed that keywords are metadata for SEO. Likewise the job description doesn't appear indexed either. I just can't fit the type of work with context in 80 characters. I don't want to create multiple identical gigs with synonyms for titles although that might solve single category problem.

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2 hours ago, ericbintner said:

I'm having a lot of trouble setting up a gig becuase there's only 80 characters allowed in the headline and it appears that's the only place the search looks for matching terms. What I don't understand is what the keywords do? I noticed any word added to the keywords doesn't seems to affect the search bar results? What is their purpose and how can I use them if they do not affect search results?

Of course, It affects your Gig in search results

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2 hours ago, ericbintner said:

I'm having a lot of trouble setting up a gig becuase there's only 80 characters allowed in the headline and it appears that's the only place the search looks for matching terms. What I don't understand is what the keywords do? I noticed any word added to the keywords doesn't seems to affect the search bar results? What is their purpose and how can I use them if they do not affect search results?

Hi! Thanks for your question. Our algorithm scans both your headline and your tags to get a good understanding of your gig. You should use the strongest keywords in your gig title and use the tags for more general, less pertinent keywords. 

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