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Seeking Advice: Struggling to Land First Job After a Year on Fiverr

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Seeking Advice: Struggling to Land First Job After a Year on Fiverr

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. I wanted to reach out to the community because I've been facing some challenges on Fiverr and could really use some advice.

I'm Erica, and I've been a member of the Fiverr platform for over a year now. Despite my efforts to promote my gigs and stay active online, I'm yet to land my first job. It's been quite disheartening, and I'm starting to wonder if I'm missing something crucial or if there's a better approach I should be taking.

I've tried optimizing my gigs, promoting them on social media, and responding promptly to buyer requests, but I still haven't had any luck. I know there are many experienced sellers here, and I would greatly appreciate any insights or tips you could share to help me kick-start my journey on Fiverr.

Thank you all in advance for your support and guidance. I'm eager to learn from your experiences and hopefully turn things around.

Best regards,


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Seeking Help: Insightful Questions to Improve Gig Performance

Hello Fiverr community,

I've been reflecting on my journey here on Fiverr and realized that there might be some key areas I could improve upon to boost my gig performance. I would appreciate your input and insights on the following questions:

1. When you first started on Fiverr, what strategies did you find most effective for attracting your first clients?

2. How do you optimize your gig descriptions and tags to ensure maximum visibility in search results?

3. What role does communication play in converting inquiries into actual orders, and do you have any tips for effective communication with potential clients?

4. Have you experimented with different pricing strategies, and if so, what have you found to be the most successful approach?

5. How do you handle periods of low sales or difficulty in landing orders? What strategies do you employ to stay motivated and proactive during these times?

6. Are there any specific marketing or promotional tactics outside of Fiverr that you've found to be effective in driving traffic to your gigs?

7. For those who offer similar services to mine (website design and digital marketing), what niche-specific advice do you have for standing out in a competitive market?

Your insights would be immensely valuable to me and could potentially help other sellers facing similar challenges. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and expertise!

Best regards,


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Seeking Advice: How to Improve My Wix and GoDaddy Website Design Gigs

Hello fellow members

I hope you're all doing well. I've been on Fiverr for a year now, specializing in Wix and GoDaddy website design. Despite my efforts, I'm yet to see the success I've been striving for, and I'm reaching out to seek your advice on how to improve my gig performance.

Here's a bit more about my situation:

1. I offer Wix and GoDaddy website design services.

2. I've been on Fiverr for a year.

3. Despite my efforts, I'm yet to achieve the level of success I aspire to.


I would greatly appreciate your insights on the following:

1. How can I optimize my gig descriptions and tags to improve search visibility for Wix and GoDaddy website design?

2. What strategies have worked best for you in attracting clients and converting inquiries into orders for similar services?

3. Are there any common mistakes or pitfalls I should avoid as a freelancer specializing in website design on Fiverr?

4. How do you effectively communicate with clients to ensure a positive experience and successful project completion?

5. Any additional tips or advice you think would be helpful for someone in my position.

Thank you all in advance for sharing your expertise and experiences. Your insights will be incredibly valuable as I work to enhance my gig performance and achieve success on Fiverr.

Best regards,


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Hello @lydia_studio222 and welcome to our amazing Community! 

Congratulations on starting your freelancing journey on Fiverr! If you’re just getting started, I recommend that you check out our free Fiverr Learn course.

The Forum is full of information and great discussions. As a new member, we recommend that you read through some of the previous posts made, as they have lots of valuable insights that will help you get started. If you would like to ask the community for suggestions on your Gig, please post in the Gig Advice section. 

Here are a few that I recommend for new freelancers:

Good luck! 🍀 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My profile is concise and nice, infact, worked on a new buyer to fiverr project and it was nice, buyer loved the project and even gave tip. Been 2 weeks now, still no message from potential buyers.. What could be wrong, need advice please. 

Here is my profile.





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