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Level 2 Account Flagged due to severe violation , no apparent reason, account had fiverr's choice gigs. Is it still worth it to stay and promote fiverr?



Hello everyone. This is my first post on the community.
I joined the fiverr platform in January 2019. So, I have been here for more than 4 years. during this time, I have seen many changes on the paltform. I did my best and followed all the rules of the platform. Due to my determination and consistency i reached level 2 on my account. 

I earned the level from my hard work and started using the different services offered as a result of the level. I had 2 promoted gigs where i bought regular monthly promortions from fiverr and I also purchased the fiverr Plus.



Then Fiverr introduced the new account level system and i was very hopeful about it.

Unfortunately, i found out that my account has been flagged. I contacted Fiverr support (seller plus included priority support which I did not get). They always sent copy paste messages to my queries. only thing useful was once i was told that my account has been flagged due to connection with banned account . What does that even mean?? I mean how can i know which account to contact , buyers approach my account themselves (or used to as i seem to have lost reach suddenly as the gigs stopped promoting). I asked them to give details but all my queries were automatically closed, also fiverr support said that if i contact them again they will clode the ticket as solved on their own.




Here yoou can see one support staff telling me it was dues to location inconsistencies, (i am a student at a university so i may be connected on 2 networks one is my personal and other is the university network and i think fiverr should be able enough to get that )




After that above information again they changed story and i got further response :

Here u can see that they now mention that i contacted some account that they disabled (I still am not able to see how any of that is my mistake as i may have been  contacted by hundreds if not thousands of accounts over 4+ years)



In the end what concerned me the most was this:


Here you can see that they have denied future support completely. Still they invite me to bringing my regular customers to an account they won't restore so it will not benefit me at all. 
It must be noted that over the 4+ years i guided many of my fellows and friends and encouraged them to make fiverr accounts because i thought this was the best platform.
My Question now is from the community, Is it still worth it? Should i just leave fiverr after all these years of consistency and loyalty? Should we start looking somehwere else and suggest the friends and followers to do so too? I tired my best but fiverr seems to be not interested at all. It must be understood that after 4 years my account level is now on new which makes no sense and gets no pings

Here it can be clearly seen that i have been working on fiverr a lot by now. I have clean 5 start reviews as i always deliver on time and more than promised to keep my clients happy and returning (all seems to be in vain now).

Edited by bilalgul556
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