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Thank You Fiverr. I Just shot past $1000!


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I Joined Fiverr Exactly 2 Months and 11 Days ago. And It has definitely been an "Experience."

There has been ups and downs but overall its been great!

The change to version 3.0 started off rough for me. I had almost ZERO Sales for 3 days.

I was feelin bad… I was doing so well. Making level 2 as quick as you can, rising quickly.

I was excited! Then nothing. Well…Things must have been worked out because I

have boatloads of orders coming in now from both Buyers and Sellers alike!

I just shot past $1000 profit and hope to keep it up! I simply love doing what I

do on Fiverr! It gives me a chance to fulfill so many dreams. Be it usually in a small

way…But still! I have seen/heard my voice used as a cartoon character! That was


Anyhow…Just wanted to share with some people who actually "get it."

Know what I mean?


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