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Faster clearance for verified buyers/sellers


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Faster clearance for verified buyers/sellers. Essentially, those that have proven reliability and non-fraud should get a faster clearance time where-as the other buyers/sellers should stay at the same pace.

I have talked to buyers and worked with a few that have ordered hundreds of gigs with no incident, and for those buyers they should be classified as kind of a “low-risk” and thus the funds should clear faster for sellers in those cases. I know that it is probably Fiverr following a PP policy, but when there is little to no risk involved, it should always be an option.The risk there-in would be Fiverr being potentially out of money with no money to withhold from the Fiverr seller since they already withdrew which I guess I could see the issue there.

Just a passing thought, and it has been a while since I made a suggestion.

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Reply to @arnevb: Well in most of the cases, the fraud is usually on the buyers side of things. If the buyer can be trusted and hasn’t refunded orders for many years on Fiverr, I think it’s pretty safe to say they aren’t going to up and run after placing orders and having them cleared like a buyer just did to me(He refunded a $5 order via PP charge-back after I built ridiculously high quality backlinks since he had a very specific niche’.)

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Reply to @madmoo: I would think with buyers, especially those that have been around since FIverr’s start and helped it grow(outside of Fiverr’s big investors) they should be taken a bit more seriously. I know they can’t change PP’s policies, but to still consider some buyers that have been buying for years or even sellers for that matter that have been offering up services here for a long-time as still a potential fraud risk is just silly from a business point of view, imo. For high volume sellers I can see the risk so maybe just to clear funds from buyers that are clearly verified buyers(Maybe after spending x number of time on Fiverr and spending a certain amount.) would be a better idea and it is virtually no risk to Fiverr. I deal with niche’ and specific clients that I know will never refund the order, so it’s kind of frustrating to have to wait this long for some orders.

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Reply to @arnevb: Yeah, I didn’t spend too much time on their order so I am not super frustrated. It’s just annoying to do any kind of time investment and the buyer is happy, and yet the funds are still charged back. Four weeks? In most standard employment jobs here in the US it’s about 1 to 2 weeks. It’s not that it’s a bad thing this waiting period, but there shouldn’t be a threshold at all when you have a buyer that is considered trust-worthy enough. I think the case with this though is that Fiverr get’s their 20% right away up-front so after that it’s not too much of a concern for them, unfortunately. I understand why they do it, I just don’t understand why some buyers are still treated as potential high-risks when they have been here for many months buying.

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