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Fyi: I am a new so bear with me please - a seller wants to design/customize a wordpress theme for me and asked for my hosting account login detail and wp admin login details. Is that necessary?


Never give out your WP login he does not need it, you can create a webmaster login from the WP control panel wich he can use to make the changes, but he might need to get acces to the themes folder where the images for the theme is located.

You could contact you hosting company and ask them how to go about it or ask the designer to give you the new images so you can insert them your self, but the last suggestion is not the best solution as this will take even more time and add more confusion to the job, but it is possible if you have a skilled webdesigner.

Its all about trust!! when you hire a webdesigner

Guest norrsken_marc

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If you have already installed Wordpress on your Site, then you don’t need to give the login details of your web hosting. Just give him the Wordpress Credentials.

While if you haven’t installed Wordpress yet, you will have to give him the login details. If you can’t trust him, then just install Wordpress yourself and give him Wordpress login details.

Feel free to ask If I did not explain very well 🙂


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