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Does pausing a gig affect the overall success score?



So I paused one of my gigs that was lowering my success score and yet it stayed the same for over 2 weeks now, It's still 4/10, shouldn't it be like 5-6/10 now?



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It should have an effect in a few days I was told by CS.  However I paused a gig with a SS of 4, five days ago. Still no change. I am beginning to wonder how long do I have to wait. Its possibly weeks worth of waiting. 

I think that the effect from pausing should be immediate. You are removing that gig from being offered on Fiverr, it has an immediate effect so the success score should reflect that. 

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34 minutes ago, palmreader37 said:

It should have an effect in a few days I was told by CS.  However I paused a gig with a SS of 4, five days ago. Still no change. I am beginning to wonder how long do I have to wait. Its possibly weeks worth of waiting. 

I think that the effect from pausing should be immediate. You are removing that gig from being offered on Fiverr, it has an immediate effect so the success score should reflect that. 


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2 hours ago, creativecolumn said:

We still don't have a clear idea about how the system works. I think pausing will not change the SS, but deleting may affect the SS.

The Success Score only factors in active gigs. Pausing or deleting gigs can equally impact the Success Score.

2 hours ago, ch6k0r said:

So I paused one of my gigs that was lowering my success score and yet it stayed the same for over 2 weeks now, It's still 4/10, shouldn't it be like 5-6/10 now?

In the calculation of the success score, gigs with more orders are assigned greater weightage, whereas gigs with fewer orders have a minimal impact on the Success Score. Consequently, pausing or deleting low-performing gigs with a low number of orders may not affect the Success Score either positively or negatively.

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55 minutes ago, imtiazgfx said:

The Success Score only factors in active gigs. Pausing or deleting gigs can equally impact the Success Score.

In the calculation of the success score, gigs with more orders are assigned greater weightage, whereas gigs with fewer orders have a minimal impact on the Success Score. Consequently, pausing or deleting low-performing gigs with a low number of orders may not affect the Success Score either positively or negatively.

Now this is what I hate the most, we are being punished for a score we knew nothing about for years, while the new sellers are going to profit from how ''transparent'' the new system is.

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6 hours ago, creativecolumn said:

I think pausing will not change the SS, but deleting may affect the SS.

Exactly what I am thinking, deleting would have an immediate impact.

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7 hours ago, ch6k0r said:

we are being punished for a score we knew nothing about for years, while the new sellers are going to profit from how ''transparent'' the new system is.

Fiverr claims to prioritize transparency, yet a broader perspective on Private Reviews reveals a stark contrast. Private reviews fail to offer sellers guidance on areas for improvement or specifics on buyer concerns that require resolution. Instead, negative private feedback holds significantly more weight than positive public reviews.

By doing so, they are trying to filter out the sellers who consistently provide overwhelming buyer experience from those who have limitations but in the end, clarity and transparency? Not Exactly.

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3 hours ago, fahadtech said:

Exactly what I am thinking, deleting would have an immediate impact.

I must disagree with you on this point. As I mentioned earlier, the Success Score only factors in active gigs. Deleting or pausing gigs has the same effect on it. What truly matters is the significance of each gig; gigs with more orders carry greater weight on the Success Score, while those with fewer orders have minimal impact. Therefore, deleting or pausing low-performing gigs does not necessarily lead to improvements in the Success Score if it is outweighed by a high-performing gig.

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So today pleasantly surprised my overall success score has risen to 5 so I am level 1 now.  It has taken nearly a week. I paused my gig with a success score of 4 six days ago. 

I had some orders in the mean time, most of customers left five star feedback at least publicly. Don't know about the private feedback obviously. 

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3 hours ago, palmreader37 said:

So today pleasantly surprised my overall success score has risen to 5 so I am level 1 now.  It has taken nearly a week. I paused my gig with a success score of 4 six days ago. 

I had some orders in the mean time, most of customers left five star feedback at least publicly. Don't know about the private feedback obviously. 

How many day you push gig ? 

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Kesha came in early into this announcement and stated paused gigs to not impact the overall score, but deleted ones do. I don't know if anything was confirmed after that by other Fiverr staff, or if maybe Kesha shared otherwise.

Really, though, I don't think Staff, CS, SM's or any of us really know.

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15 hours ago, mandyzines said:

Kesha came in early into this announcement and stated paused gigs to not impact the overall score, but deleted ones do. I don't know if anything was confirmed after that by other Fiverr staff, or if maybe Kesha shared otherwise.

Really, though, I don't think Staff, CS, SM's or any of us really know.

Exactly, many people want a final answer on this so we can pull the trigger for these gigs that lower our score.
Thanks for your infos though 🤝

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