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Let’s end the week with positive vibes! ✨


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Whether this week showered you with rainbows or threw lemons your way, let's choose to wrap it up on a cheerful note!

What’s one thing that made your week sparkle either in your professional or personal life? 

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Hello @Kesha

Recently I have completed two projects and experienced a situation that am going to share with you to get some cool suggestions.
Normally after a completed project, the buyer rates our delivery. Things here my buyers wanted to give me 5 star rating but it became 4 stars. I think the buyers get confused about the new review system. The buyers inform me when it happens. He wrote ''By mistake I put 4 stars when I meant to put 5 stars. I will be working with you again''
Another one also faces the same things that he informed me.

It's a scary thing for us.
Would you please suggest what happening actually with the review system? 

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19 minutes ago, hasembd said:

Hello @Kesha

Recently I have completed two projects and experienced a situation that am going to share with you to get some cool suggestions.
Normally after a completed project, the buyer rates our delivery. Things here my buyers wanted to give me 5 star rating but it became 4 stars. I think the buyers get confused about the new review system. The buyers inform me when it happens. He wrote ''By mistake I put 4 stars when I meant to put 5 stars. I will be working with you again''
Another one also faces the same things that he informed me.

It's a scary thing for us.
Would you please suggest what happening actually with the review system? 

Hi! If your buyer lets you know that they accidentally submitted the wrong rating, you can suggest that they reach out to Customer Support. They will be able to evaluate things and amend the review if they deem it fitting. Just make sure you are not engaging in any feedback manipulation our threats as I outlined here

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Well Fiverr hasn't been panning out so well for me lately and I'm terrified if this new system goes into place while the cancellation bug still exists I'll have to leave fiverr because with my stats I'll never have a chance of getting work again. Due to that I've been reaching out to the past companies for sources of freelance work to help keep myself afloat and I've had a bunch of offers for contract work through some of my return clients outside of Fiverr.

Having the safety net in the event that I lose everything I've built on Fiverr has added some peace of mind.


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4 minutes ago, mariashtelle1 said:

I didn’t not open and read any news or updates from fiverr for a few days this week. I was just laying by the pool with a cocktail in my hand, pretending that the house is not on fire. 

It's so nice to have a pool to cool off in with a nice cocktail when the house is on fire. If the cocktail is strong enough, it makes you forget. (I suggest a double long island iced tea).

Edited by smashradio
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1 minute ago, catwriter said:

You should have learned to play the guitar? 😸

I have tried, but my fine motor skills are equivalent to a gorilla that has drunk at least three of my aforementioned Long Island Iced Tea cocktails and fallen asleep in the sun by the pool.

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Why 'This Is Fine' Is the Meme This Year Deserves - The New York Times

Memo to Fiverr: this type of post doesn't really work unless your userbase is feeling at least neutral about what you are currently doing. 

Also, Neo's choosing to be transparent over on another thread complaining about Fiverr: 


Isn't that something, people? An AI being more honest than the people who program it! 

Edited by emmaki
found a positive note
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17 minutes ago, emmaki said:




If you ask it nicely, it will. I asked for a perfect five-star rating selection of male english voice overs. 


What's funny is, it took me three minutes to get Neo to filter for something that would have taken me 20 seconds using regular search results. 🙂

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One of my projects this week was a set of mindfulness meditations for elders. That kind of thing gives me warm fuzzies. I love using my 'essence' and skill to educate people but helping them deal with this crazy world is even better, although it's not usually as lucrative of a niche as others.

Edited by mandyzines
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2 hours ago, smashradio said:

If you ask it nicely, it will. I asked for a perfect five-star rating selection of male english voice overs. 


What's funny is, it took me three minutes to get Neo to filter for something that would have taken me 20 seconds using regular search results. 🙂

I played around with Neo for a while too and finally managed to get it to say this as well, but that's still not actually filtering by 5-star ratings, just by TRS status which I personally wasn't asking it for (I was very specific with the 5-star language). Instead it kept sharing people with me that had 4.9X ratings. Or it shared sellers hat showed as "5 stars" in the Fiverr Neo chat window, but when I clicked on them their profiles showed "4.98" or "4.95" stars and so forth. That's about the closest I could get it. Neo did give me pages and pages of very corporate explanations about why 4.99 is just as good though. I have some interesting screenshots. 

Edited by texvox
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Picked up a fun, large video-game project this week.

The buyer came to me about 2 months ago asking for a quick audition which I gave to her. A week later she said she loved it but the casting director decided to go with someone else.

Last week she came back and said the other voice actor fell through and she was able to pitch me to the CD again and this time he saw where she was coming from and decided to work with me. Always fun to take on a character role to punctuate the typical commercial and educational narration work I do. The price was right too - even after Fiverr fees the rate will exceed typical "indie" rates and fall somewhere between those and AAA game titles instead. Felt like a win all around. 

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5 hours ago, smashradio said:

Yeah OK. So, one great thing that happened is that I got some awaited vinyl records this week. Nothing like some Dire Straits to calm ones nerves, if you get my drift. 🤣

im more in "Rage against the machine" vibe lately in fiverr.

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I realized that since George R.R. Martin will never finish Winds of Winter, there will never be any proof that Stannis the Mannis, the rightful king of Westeros, didn't end up removing the usurper from the throne.

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Hello everyone!

I couldn't be happier as I end this week. I am thrilled that I have just completed my second order on Fiverr. I have worked very hard over the past few months and now see the results bear fruit. 

Ending this week with positive vibes!

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On 3/8/2024 at 10:35 PM, Kesha said:


Whether this week showered you with rainbows or threw lemons your way, let's choose to wrap it up on a cheerful note!

What’s one thing that made your week sparkle either in your professional or personal life? 

Being able to prioritize and sit with my professional challenges 😌..a great challenge this one! 

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This week I have started watching my childhood movies, the movies that I used to watch when I was a child. It brings back lots of old memories. I feel like I have gone back to my old days. You should try it too.

This made my days sparkle for sure!

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22 hours ago, abeershaykh said:

Hello everyone!

I couldn't be happier as I end this week. I am thrilled that I have just completed my second order on Fiverr. I have worked very hard over the past few months and now see the results bear fruit. 

Ending this week with positive vibes!

Congratulations on this win! Super proud of you and I wish you the best of luck on your Fiverr journey!

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5 hours ago, fahadislamjuel said:

This week I have started watching my childhood movies, the movies that I used to watch when I was a child. It brings back lots of old memories. I feel like I have gone back to my old days. You should try it too.

This made my days sparkle for sure!

It's the simple things in life! There's nothing like experiencing the nostalgia of a joyful childhood memory. 

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