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Congratualation!!.. mojority New freelancers became level two and senior freelancers became level 1 or no level. this is the Transparent system where we don't know whats going on behind the success score. I think previous system was transparent where we see our all statics about our performance.

Edited by basarts
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Congratulations fiverr, you managed to ruin the lives of your dedicated workers. two years working to reach the top rated level and now that I met all the requirements I was demoted to level 1. we pay a 20% fee and you treat us like trash. giving all the power to buyers and forcing us to accept abusive behavior from them for fear of negative reviews. you should be ashamed. fiverr is over

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Does being top rated take into account your average selling price?

We all sell different services priced at different price points that are reflective of the market we’re in. Some sellers are doing fantastic volume-wise where those lower starting prices ($5-$10) are made up by having 10-20 orders per day. They still sell like hot cakes. If their buyer satisfaction is high and they do quality work, their average order prices shouldn’t matter at this point.

Can we receive a notification when we’ve been reviewed, but denied, and on what basis we can improve before a re-evaluation?

The transparency from the new system is great, but it still has the Level 2 purgatory problem as of writing. As soon as the new system went live, I remained at a score of 10 with all metrics maxed out (as they’ve been for almost 3 years now), but am still left with the manual evaluation notification saying I need to wait.


Other than that, thanks Yoav! 😃

Edited by nicks_voice
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the webinars still failing over and over, is there any place to vote for them? so we can be transparent, also would be good to have the static "price value" since fiverr takes 20% we can consider that this webinars are part of what we pay 🙂 i wonder how the fiverrs overall score would be 

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  • Kesha unfeatured this topic

Hi everyone!

We hope you're having a great week so far.

Please feel free to join us in watching this webinar's recording HERE.

In addition to the recording, you will also find 2 useful articles with plenty of information for you about Top Rated.

Thanks again for your engagement, for your willingness, and for simply being who you are.

Much appreciation,

Yoav 🙂

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