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What like will be FIVERR 4.0


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1.) Sellers will be able to offer a subscription where the buyers are automatically debited on a regular basis.

2.) You’ll be able to easily design an original gig cover picture in a built-in editor on the gig creation screen. It will also have a built in grammar checker.

3.) They will introduce live video chat to communicate with customers real time.

4.) Partner integration system in which we can incorporate other sellers gigs into our own and earn commissions with an easy-to-use widget. For example, let’s say I make videos but I won’t write the script. I can partner up with another seller and copy and paste a widget for their service as one of my extras and I get a portion of the payment.

5.) For physical goods tracking will be required and the gig will automatically go to delivered and send a message to the customer when the tracking number is pasted in the form.

6.) Fiverr will introduce it’s new ADULT section.

7.) Optional certification tests to determine if you are qualified to provide the service you’re offering. Also, they may introduce a verification to determine if a seller resides in the country on the profile.

8.) Fiverr becomes a publicly traded company offering stock in the company.

9.) The new entrepreneur and training section of the site where you can find mentors and grow.

10.) They will go back to the Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down system.

Ok, I’m just procrastinating now…I better get back to work. 🙂

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