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Official feedback thread re: the new leveling system

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I recently had the opportunity to explore the newly introduced level system, which I found to be quite intricate yet beneficial. It provides a comprehensive and clear set of metrics that not only highlight areas of improvement but also guide us on how to enhance our performance and achieve higher levels. This level of detail is instrumental in identifying and rectifying mistakes, ultimately aiding in professional growth.

However, I must express a certain level of uncertainty regarding the specific metrics required for achieving the Top Rated badge. Despite having met all the prescribed metrics consistently over the past two years, the promotion to Top Rated status has eluded me. If anyone has insights or recommendations on meeting the criteria for this esteemed recognition, I would greatly appreciate your guidance and suggestions.

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41 minutes ago, masterpiece_dt said:


I received only this email. 

Yes, I received this too. I think everyone did (with a slightly tweaked version for those who lost their level). 

I'm assuming  @donnovan86 received a more specific TRS evaluation mail. 

Edited by priyank_mod
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2 hours ago, priyank_mod said:

Both frameworks are not extracting data from the same source.

Eventually, they will collate and everything will be 4.9X. 

Then what exactly should we follow or focus on? Ratings: Dashboard one or Profile? 

I know we should maintain both ratings very well but still which one is important?

I don't have 4.9XX*. I can see 4.9* only. 

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8 hours ago, visualstudios said:

Even weirder is strong negative impact in satisfaction and strong positive impact in value for money, for the same gig. How's that ever possible?

Maybe they would have preferred a few more free revisions to change things in the way they wanted, but were otherwise very satisfied with things.

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1 minute ago, smartdezigns said:

Then what exactly should we follow or focus on? Ratings: Dashboard one or Profile? 

I know we should maintain both ratings very well but still which one is important?

I don't have 4.9XX*. I can see 4.9* only. 

At the moment, every avenue/browser is telling a different story. 



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31 minutes ago, smartdezigns said:

Ratings: Dashboard one or Profile? 

I know we should maintain both ratings very well but still which one is important?

I was thinking it could be the dashboard (thinking it could be based on more recent info and so affect levels and success score) but they say:


Rating - Reflects the average of ratings provided by clients you’ve worked with. This is the same rating that is seen on your profile. Learn more with Reviews and ratings.

so it probably will get made the same at some point.

Edited by uk1000
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44 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

At the moment, every avenue/browser is telling a different story. 



Oh.. Thank you for this.. I am using Google Chrome browser.. Which browser did you use to check this (decimals)?

18 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

I was thinking it could be the dashboard (thinking it could be based on more recent info and so affect levels and success score) but they say:

so it probably will get made the same at some point.

This is why I am confused as both ratings are different.. 

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57 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

At the moment, every avenue/browser is telling a different story. 

I can confirm. On my studio computer which uses Windows and Opera GX/Chrome Browser, it shows me the 5 star rating. On my macbook which uses Safari, I see the 4,98 star rating.

Something else I've noticed when looking at the same page searched by the same keywords in search function, that side-to-side Safari (macbook) and Opera (windows) shows me different sellers for "Fiverr's Choice". On Opera I see the seller that has been Fiverr's Choice for the past 2 weeks, and on Safari I see a level 1 seller as Fiverr's Choice, with the last completed order 1 month ago.

Also, something at least bizzare seems to happen when searching the same thing side by side on Safari (macbook), Opera (windows) and Chrome (android phone). The rankings are totally different. And not just like the places of the sellers are changed slightly. It's actually a big difference, with sellers I see on the first page on one browser being on the second page in the other browser, and not to talk about android phone...where are sellers ranking in the first page I've never seen, with less than 5 completed orders.

It's very confusing to me, and at this point, I just don't know what to trust, how to interpret my analytics and what actions to take to improove my ranking. Seems like the changes I've made 2 weeks ago on one of my gigs works wonders on one browser, and stinks on the other (ranking wise).

I find it very random.

Edited by hzsmith
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3 hours ago, uk1000 said:

Maybe they would have preferred a few more free revisions to change things in the way they wanted, but were otherwise very satisfied with things.

If they were "very satisfied", client satisfaction should never be having a "strong negative impact".

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A little bit off-topic, but this was affecting people, so...



The cancellation issue isn't actually fixed for me. I still have 'severe negative impact' on one gig for fake "this won't affect your seller score" cancellations. I opened a ticket and got this as a response:

"As you may know, any cancellations fixed because they weren't your fault won't impact your success score anymore." -- Which isn't true all based on my success score metrics. (Then they went on to say if I work hard, my score will go up, which has nothing to do with this issue either.)


"With the removal of these cancellations, fewer orders might be counted towards your score for a particular Gig, which could affect your success score." -- Which means that the fake cancellations now affect my success score negatively but from a sneaky backdoor perspective.

So basically... they've fixed nothing and even fake/incomplete order cancellations handled by Customer Service that state "this will not affect your seller score" still absolutely affect your score.

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To put this in video game language. Fiverr is too "survival mode". Where any one little prick can pop your balloon. A total screeching stop. 

We need more hit points. We need to be able to survive past one shot. It's too draconian and unforgiving. 

Edited by rudyabel
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4 hours ago, hzsmith said:

shows me different sellers for "Fiverr's Choice".

This label / badge is context-dependent, so it can be displayed or not based on specific keywords or website browsing scenarios.

I wouldn't be surprised if buyers with different spending and interaction histories would see different things when it comes to FC. 

Sticking the badge on different gigs alternately based on time intervals or impression numbers wouldn't be a wonder for me as well.



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20 minutes ago, rudyabel said:

To put this in video game language. Fiverr is too "survival mode". Where any one little prick can pop your balloon. We need more hit points. We need to be able to survive past one shot. It's too draconian and unforgiving. 

I think they're intentionally trying to get rid of some dead weight. There are over a million of us and over 4M buyers. We have seen for a long time it's a strain on CS. And frankly, if people doing 100 gigs a month perfectly can absorb the business of the folks doing two or three gigs a month, why not? (from their perspective) The buyers get their service, Fiverr still gets their commission, and they have less to deal with.

I think the rating system, Seller Plus, the new level requirements, losing success score points simply for going on vacation mode or pausing gigs for even a few days, it all points to a unified concept of "Make us your career or deal with scraps." All these things happening at once is unlikely to be a coincidence.

Uber went through something similar a few years ago in their driver-saturated markets (I did some consulting to them). While the drivers' prices per ride were plummeting and everyone was up in arms, if you were a Diamond driver doing maybe 100 rides per week, you were getting per ride bonuses and higher priced rides in the app with nobody having any notice. A $1 surge in an area for a low level driver might have shown as $5 for the Diamond high-volume driver. A $4.37 ride for the low level driver might have been $5.19 for the Diamond high-volume driver even without the surge. Of course this wasn't public, but 90 drivers screaming about their income going down 30-40% in just a few months for the same volume they always did while 10 were in the same conversation saying "What are you guys talking about?" was not a coincidence. Neither was the fact that if you called Uber support with a problem they would tell you in no uncertain terms that you were welcome to leave the platform if you didn't like it instead of trying to fix it.

The conventional wisdom said if Uber paid less per ride then they made more per ride, but that's not always the case. They want to keep the happy drivers, and cull some of the lower 2/3rds of volume that are dividing the pie into too many pieces for anybody to be happy.

And the unsurprising result is that it all stopped once they shed 10% of their drivers in those targeted over-saturated markets so all the drivers could have a slightly bigger piece of the pie again.

Fewer workers, same volume, lower support costs, and a "pay your dues" mentality even if those dues are out of whack with the apparent opportunity. There are too few of us willing to walk away for it not to work.

Edited by cucinavivace
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7 hours ago, emmaki said:

Well, this isn't quite the overflowing cornucopia of outrage I had hoped to wake up to. 

I think people are browsing the forum's topics, trying to find out what just happened, processing, and trying to make sense of the new system (good luck with that).

I'm hoping for a bigger turnout over the weekend. 

They are late to the party but maybe will bring something with them…




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That's very interesting - specially given how 4.7 is the minimum to keep TRS status (theoretically at least), and you need 4.4 even for level 1. Interesting to know if 4.3 will also say well done, as Fiverr has been saying that 4.0-4.9 is good, and more trustworthy than 5.

Edited by visualstudios
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3 minutes ago, williambryan392 said:

Also, now a 4.7 review comes with a 'Well done!'. I think previously only 5* orders did. I think this is a nice touch re trying to normalise less than 5* reviews.

I think when it comes to this part, they just want to look like (I don't know if I can say other platform names in here). 4.8 over at the top dog is downright excellent. Lookit all those TRS under 5.


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1 minute ago, cucinavivace said:

I think when it comes to this part, they just want to look like (I don't know if I can say other platform names in here). 4.8 over at the top dog is downright excellent. Lookit all those TRS under 5.

What platform is that? Looks suspiciously like fiverr,

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16 minutes ago, cucinavivace said:

I think they're intentionally trying to get rid of some dead weight. There are over a million of us and over 4M buyers. We have seen for a long time it's a strain on CS. And frankly, if people doing 100 gigs a month perfectly can absorb the business of the folks doing two or three gigs a month, why not? (from their perspective) The buyers get their service, Fiverr still gets their commission, and they have less to deal with

This is assuming that it hasn't been the condition from the beginning. 
Fiverr is series of self fulfilling prophesies. Those of us that have been with it for a while have seen some people blast out of the gate and get tons of exposure from the get go. They received some favor from someone. Not the algorithm, someone. The algorithm is incapable of make aesthetic choices. Pro and TRS are chosen manually. So it's not like there is no precedence for this opinion. It's usually the favored that get the most exposure. And thereby gets the most business. Most of the business goes to the first two rows of the top page. And only certain people get to live there. The self fulfilling prophecy comes in when Fiverr turns around and says " See, he made it." Even though it was by design. 

I can see where it should cut out problem people. But this should be surgery , not carpentry. 

Fiverr may be trying to shake it's "five dollar" image. But at the same time it enjoys the meat wagon of people crunching out hurried work for 10 bucks a pop in order to get the cheap volume ticket crowd. I believe the Pro effort is paying off for the business sector of the market. I haven't done a prom night Voice over since I raised my prices. I deal with business and commercials now. 

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