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Official feedback thread re: the new leveling system

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You are completely correct. Yesterday, I made the mistake of comparing Fiverr to an alley cat. I have not learned. I would like to apologize to the delicious porcine community for my error or judgment in comparing it to the mammon-worshipping den of thieves that is Fiverr. I retract everything I said. Miss Piggy, in particular is someone I admire and look up to. I hope that pigs, sows, piglets, and boars will find it in their hearts to forgive me. 


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7 minutes ago, emmaki said:

You are completely correct. Yesterday, I made the mistake of comparing Fiverr to an alley cat. I have not learned. I would like to apologize to the delicious porcine community for my error or judgment in comparing it to the mammon-worshipping den of thieves that is Fiverr. I retract everything I said. Miss Piggy, in particular is someone I admire and look up to. I hope that pigs, sows, piglets, and boars will find it in their hearts to forgive me. 

"Oh, Kirmie ..."

Miss Piggy Kermit Muppet Break Up

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On 3/30/2024 at 4:11 AM, katherinasim said:

@enekoviolin Hi! I was trying to understand the system for almost 1,5 month now, but it's just senseless, that's it. There is no logic. My bestseller gig has a score of "6" and a "strong negative impact" on Client Satisfaction. But it has a 5.0 star rating from 234 public reviews and is currently selling with a "Fiverr's choice" badge. (Already got 4 orders as a Fiverr's choice).

Agree! There is no logic here. It's amazing how many people write here about the same problem and in support they deny that the system is wrong.

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I'm writing to express my concerns regarding the promoted gig feature on Fiverr. As you may know, this feature is available to sellers ranging from level 1 to top-rated. Previously, I was a level 2 seller and regularly received orders through this feature. However, due to the new level system, I lost my previous level status, making me ineligible for this feature. While I appreciate the one-month grace period Fiverr provided starting from March 14th, allowing me to continue using the promoted gig feature, I've noticed that my success score has been stuck at 4 for quite some time. 

Despite consistently receiving new orders, delivering them promptly, and receiving five-star reviews from buyers, my success score hasn't increased to above 4. This situation is both frustrating and concerning because without a success score of 5, I won't be able to use the promoted gig feature, potentially impacting my sales and income. As Fiverr is my sole source of income, this prospect is quite distressing. 

I would like to request that Fiverr consider allowing sellers who have lost their level status to use the promoted gig feature for several months to regain orders and potentially return to their previous level. This would greatly benefit freelancers like myself who rely on Fiverr for their livelihood.😥

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45 minutes ago, fahimeh22 said:

I'm writing to express my concerns regarding the promoted gig feature on Fiverr. As you may know, this feature is available to sellers ranging from level 1 to top-rated. Previously, I was a level 2 seller and regularly received orders through this feature. However, due to the new level system, I lost my previous level status, making me ineligible for this feature. While I appreciate the one-month grace period Fiverr provided starting from March 14th, allowing me to continue using the promoted gig feature, I've noticed that my success score has been stuck at 4 for quite some time. 

Despite consistently receiving new orders, delivering them promptly, and receiving five-star reviews from buyers, my success score hasn't increased to above 4. This situation is both frustrating and concerning because without a success score of 5, I won't be able to use the promoted gig feature, potentially impacting my sales and income. As Fiverr is my sole source of income, this prospect is quite distressing. 

I would like to request that Fiverr consider allowing sellers who have lost their level status to use the promoted gig feature for several months to regain orders and potentially return to their previous level. This would greatly benefit freelancers like myself who rely on Fiverr for their livelihood.😥

I totally agree.

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On 4/3/2024 at 12:34 AM, donnovan86 said:

I've been here for 10+ years at this point and these private reviews were only introduced in the past couple of years. And they were introduced because a lot of sellers were taking advantage of buyers, there were buyers on the forum that were constantly complaining sellers were forcing them to leave a very positive review to get their work. Some even left a review and never got their money back. So you can see why Fiverr introduced these reviews. 

I am not sure where you got the idea that I think private reviews are fair. I don't think they should exist. But due to circumstances beyond our control as a seller, they exist and they affect us. My problem is not that they exist, it's the fact that they have a lot of weight in the algorithm. If they would considered every autocomplete order with an automatic good private review, that's fine. But a lot of people don't leave private reviews. Generally only unhappy people do, and since these private reviews have a lot of weight, that can damage your ranking and you have no idea why. Especially when there are people that only leave private reviews after marking the order as complete. 

Then that can be reflected in the Star System.... there is absolutely no need for a 'secret review'.
To have your stats tank based on an 'invisible metric' creates massive trust issues. 
Transparency is key to that trust.
Using the Star System was perfectly fine- it gave full visibility, and BOTH sides can see it.  Including potential NEW clients.

But to sit here and think you're fine, then discover there's some shady stuff going on behind these scenes is underhanded and deceiving.

It truly is a terrible idea.

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1 hour ago, greggidneyvo said:

Then that can be reflected in the Star System.... there is absolutely no need for a 'secret review'.

Well, the Star System is based on secret reviews, they are an integral part of it. 

I don't think they can be transparent with that data if they specifically say to their clients that their private review will remain private and no one will see it. So.. people can randomly leave any private review they want and tank your account. That's not really feedback for the seller either, because you don't have any idea why that happened. And a lot of people leave it randomly too, I had my success manager say that despite only having 5 star reviews for months, my buyer satisfaction rate (at the time, now it's the score) was low. Remember this private thing is not mandatory, so people are not forced to leave it. Most people don't, but if you only have a few private reviews and most of them or even a couple are negative, that's a huge issue. 

I never think I am fine and I started to learn not to focus on the stuff I can't control anymore. I am just doing my best and came to peace with the rules of the platform. It's not like we have control over anything other than the work we do and what we deliver.. The rest is either in the buyer or Fiverr's hands.

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Point of clarification on the private ratings being relatively new.  Private ratings have been here for at least eight years and I think longer than that. People who knew the system well have been complaining about them on this board since at least 2016. They just didn't affect your public score.

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Also, I just got dinged on "effective communication" for withdrawing an offer because the buyer insisted I write a new one with a higher price.

I've delivered gigs in three languages on this platform at 5.0 on every metric and if a buyer likes me well enough to insist he pay more, I do not communicate well. Lord save us from this new math.

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Normal System: A train leaves San Diego at 1:00 pm travelling at 52 mph.  A second train leaves the same city in the same direction at 4:00 pm travelling at 130 mph. At what time will the second train catch up to the first train?

Me: 6:00 PM.

Normal System: Correct.

Fiverr: If Mary has two poodles and forgets to brush her teeth in the morning, what time will she have lunch?

Me: What?

Fiverr: Incorrect. The answer is Poor Value For Money, because Mary lives next to Bill, who owns a blue house. Your score is 2.

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I rejected an otherwise very attractive-looking offer from a completely normal buyer who sounded great because he wanted a ton of stuff written about firearms (he owned a firearm store).

Remembering that Fiverr's AI detection systems is about as useful as a chocolate teapot and may flag the inevitable talk of guns, shooting, and so on as "negative" on my "conflict-free" score, I told him that I would sadly be unable to take on the gig, falling back on my status as a clueless female person living in gun-free Europe (I happen to live on an island with ~1M illegal guns and most road signs shot up so this is not quite true) to avoid conflict.

The quest for a work on Fiverr continues, mostly hindered by Fiverr's own systems at this point. Is anyone at Fiverr reading this? Go check my inbox, go check the word count, and then realize just how much this has cost me (and by default, you). Go on. I can give you so much more than $20 a month (which I probably won't, since SPP  ain't worth it), you know. But as it is... you use the AI. You do that.

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11 hours ago, emmaki said:

I rejected an otherwise very attractive-looking offer from a completely normal buyer who sounded great because he wanted a ton of stuff written about firearms (he owned a firearm store).

Remembering that Fiverr's AI detection systems is about as useful as a chocolate teapot and may flag the inevitable talk of guns, shooting, and so on as "negative" on my "conflict-free" score, I told him that I would sadly be unable to take on the gig, falling back on my status as a clueless female person living in gun-free Europe (I happen to live on an island with ~1M illegal guns and most road signs shot up so this is not quite true) to avoid conflict.

The quest for a work on Fiverr continues, mostly hindered by Fiverr's own systems at this point. Is anyone at Fiverr reading this? Go check my inbox, go check the word count, and then realize just how much this has cost me (and by default, you). Go on. I can give you so much more than $20 a month (which I probably won't, since SPP  ain't worth it), you know. But as it is... you use the AI. You do that.

We are all expendable. 

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Whelp....it's been almost a month since the big screw over....err...I mean switch over to the new, exciting level system on Fiverr! I dropped to a Level 1 which was a thrill after 10yrs. of hard work to reach Level 2. Since Mar. 14th I've received ONE voice over job...ONE. A BIG Thanks to Fiverr for destroying what was a steady stream of income. 

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7 hours ago, mandyzines said:

We are all expendable. 

Especially those of us who don't read the CS or decide to "interpret" them as "OK" if the buyer has a "legitimate firearms shop" (US).

It's right there in the Community Standards: 



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50 minutes ago, emmaki said:

Especially those of us who don't read the CS or decide to "interpret" them as "OK" if the buyer has a "legitimate firearms shop" (US).

It's right there in the Community Standards: 



There is a specific demographic that only asks for illegal services. As soon as I see this country the answer is going to be no.

Here is a list of things they have asked for.

#1 selling research chemicals. (illegal in a lot of states) and if you don’t know what research chemicals are it's not what you think.

#2 Selling weed

#3 selling fake degrees from well-known universities. 

#4 selling firearms. In itself not illegal but you don’t want to get on the wrong side of the tos & when you look at the sites and see they are selling fully automatic weapons it’s a big no.

#5 selling cocaine. Ive told them it’s not allowed and have been met with “Why’s that”. It’s not legal, duh.

#6 selling crystal meth. 

#7 selling fake driving licenses, ID cards and other forms of ID

#8 selling passports

#9 selling chemicals to clean dye off stolen bank notes. 

#10  selling bank notes (probably obtained from the above)

#11 selling highly protected species that are not allowed to be sold

#12 selling  fentanyl.

When you look at the individual buying history you can see they have been working with other sellers who should know better and in one case I found a seller who built a carding site & forum for them.

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I am always amazed at how many sellers think nothing of doing illegal stuff (see list above). I suspect they're the same demographic as "is this obvious scam a scam?" and "I was banned for no reason!" 

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I often wonder if they're Fiverr plants or bots specifically testing us. I get a lot of "Can you help me with my homework by filling out these tax return schedules?" and "Can I give you my email address so we can communicate more freely?" Seems suspiciously blunt in the first sentence or two of the conversation on a platform where buyer anonymity is a benefit. 

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6 hours ago, markp said:

#2 Selling weed

I've had quite a few ask me about this but they're based in California and legit businesses. 

One country's controlled substance is anothers legal recreational habit.

I wonder if it's based on my country, their country, or Fiverrs country?

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I made a detailed reply to this but it got blocked so I deleted it. These are sites that will ship anything, anywhere and are not certified.  With the way things are going on here, it's probably best to assume it's based on if it's not allowed in one country or location then it's not going to be allowed here, and on that basis I am turning away anyone, and anything that looks like it could cause issues. if there is a 1% chance of causing problems that's 1% percent too high for me.

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10 hours ago, purpledog32 said:

Whelp....it's been almost a month since the big screw over....err...I mean switch over to the new, exciting level system on Fiverr! I dropped to a Level 1 which was a thrill after 10yrs. of hard work to reach Level 2. Since Mar. 14th I've received ONE voice over job...ONE. A BIG Thanks to Fiverr for destroying what was a steady stream of income. 

That must be...so many emotions. I've had two orders for voice overs from new buyers in that span of time and I qualify for Top Rated (for now, anyway). Something else could be at play, here. I'm not saying the changes aren't a steamy, stinky pile of stuff, at all.

Edited by mandyzines
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14 hours ago, purpledog32 said:

Whelp....it's been almost a month since the big screw over....err...I mean switch over to the new, exciting level system on Fiverr! I dropped to a Level 1 which was a thrill after 10yrs. of hard work to reach Level 2. Since Mar. 14th I've received ONE voice over job...ONE. A BIG Thanks to Fiverr for destroying what was a steady stream of income. 

Send me a direct message with a link to your primary voice gig. I don't often have folks coming to me asking for female VO since I'm a male voice talent, but some of my repeat clients do periodically ask if I can refer them to female talent. I'd be happy to check out your gig and potentially send some your way. 

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I did contact support and what I got was not very helpful at all, it's really frustrating.

Me: My success score is low at 'effective communication' and 'client satisfaction'. Despite I got returning customers with 5 star public review. I went to study the system and each metric and I don't think I know of any mistakes I made in those areas.

CS: (explains meanings of each metric...) also you shouldn't request 5 star reviews from clients (violation of TOS blah blah blah), instead change to requesting honest feedback in private for your own improvement. And yes, the customers rated my work in private, you're not supposed to know which ones rated you positively or negatively in each metric.

"Keep in mind that each Gig’s history is examined to determine an individual score, relative to other freelancers in the same category and price benchmark. Consequently, your Gig's rating is influenced by the performance of other Gigs and sellers."

Me: I've never requested a positive review, and WHAT? I can get negative ratings without knowing which areas??? [To myself: then how the hill I'm going to find a way to improve?]. Ok so how much do I have to improve those stats?

CS: The success score considers your performance in the last few months but we are unable to share this information as it is internal.

Me: [To myself: Oh, I can't know how long those ratings last and they are also dependent on other sellers' performance? Wow Fiverr wow this is a huge thorn for self-improvement]

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3 hours ago, dade_tilellit said:

It wasn't enough to "appropiate" 20% of our effort, now they released a paid seller plan. You can imagine where this is going, no need for 58 pages.

Apparently you don't realize that the paid seller plans have been out since 2021. 

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