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Official feedback thread re: the new leveling system

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7 hours ago, ibcreative89 said:

The 'grace' period should be over but nothing changed and I am at loss for what to do.

Your not alone if you are feeling overwhelmed, helpless, and defeated. I don't think any of us know what to do, although some of us have enough focus to just keep doing what we've been doing to maintain the metrics that we have. 

Seeing as we were told we had a 30-day grace period to 'do something' about it, which might have made us assume something could be done about it in that time span, one of the things that I've been looking out for on these threads since the announcement is if anyone was able to do just that. I haven't seen anyone mention anything other than decreases in Success Scores, but I could have missed something.


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Apparently the success score updates every 60 days according to a random person on reddit who asked neo


I asked Neo and deliberately got the number of days wrong. Turns out Neo just tells you random stuff: 




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5 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

I haven't seen anyone mention anything other than decreases in Success Scores, but I could have missed something.

That's because there's nothing [much] you can do about increasing the score. If the history lasts two years, a 30-day grace period won't do anything. That's why the 9/10 SS requirement is so ridiculous to maintain (and now a high % of TRS don't know what to do, there's no way to increase the score in such a short time). Yes, an additional layer of demotion protection exists, but a lot of TRS will stress about whether they are going to be demoted next month, EVERY SINGLE MONTH. It hits your mental, and I've been building new sources of income for the past two years, ever since Fiverr went to poop. It will not get better with such slavery and ridiculous requirements. Every time I think about any of the Fiverr's statistics, I always say "one customer can ruin your score entirely, and there is no way to climb back up". Fiverr revealed their real "transparency" on how they treat sellers. And it's not over; let's wait for new surprises later this year.

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8 minutes ago, emmaki said:

The Fiverr Enterprise thread. I've been posting about it for 3 hours to tumbleweeds!

I know Emmaki - I've been shocked at how little reaction there has been to this Enterprise concept.

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It's in the documentation and mentioned in a testimonial on one of the landing pages. I don't really understand why it's so quiet, either. It seems like FE is built on top of the Stoke Talent acquisition and might be another platform altogether, since you can't actually log into it without an invite from a client first (I think).

It looks like everyone in the Pro catalog is in the Enterprise catalog (ctrl+f Fiverr Enterprise in the main TOS). I think this email was some kind of soft launch - they had to add everyone to the catalog, so good time to round robin, and soon, maybe, there will be more education about the bennies.

We are due a second product release of the year, after all. I don't think this is it....

This is in the glossary from the documentation:


Also, it was mentioned in the email but Fiverr has appallingly bad copywriters/writers on staff so they drowned the main benefit in "exclusive":


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I got that email this morning, too. I hope this is more effective than "briefs." Has anyone been able to view what these new profiles look like?

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34 minutes ago, newsmike said:

Has anyone been able to view what these new profiles look like?

I tried to log in to see what the profiles looked like, but then read something Emmaki posted, which indicated you can't log in until you are asked by a client. Odd.

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There's an interesting page here: https://docs.enterprise.fiverr.com/en/

They mention Stoke in several places. What is Stoke? https://freelancer-platform.stoketalent.com/

Here you can use the search function to find a list of numerous freelance platforms.

Looks like Fiverr has come up with a fitting response to all those who said they wanted to leave Fiverr!

Clicking on About at the bottom of the page takes you to Fiverr Enterprise. It just seems so weird. If anyone understands anything, please explain.


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One of the reasons the branding is confusing is that it used to actually be Stoke Talent. They were founded in 2019 and Fiverr bought them at the end of 2021. The full transition to "Fiverr Enterprise" (which is obviously not so full with all this cross-branding still in effect, so sloppy) is recent.

ST was an offline freelancing platform, basically onboarding companies and their freelancers to handle all the administrative and payment stuff instead of departments doing their own thing freelancer by freelancer. "Hey, big company. Instead of having 20 departments hiring contractors in 20 different ways with no coordination, sub it out to us and we'll handle all your project workflow in one place and your 1099s for you." and "Hey, small to mid-sized company. Come hire freelancers easily like the big companies."

So, that's Fiverr Enterprise.

They did the same thing with CreativeLive to create Fiverr Learn. Buy it, make a logo, call it yours.

Edited by cucinavivace
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49 minutes ago, danno1950 said:

That's pretty weird and must be bothersome if you can't sse the thread.

It's probably on the Seller Plus forum. I only have Standard, so I don't get to see it. It sure seems like another fun thing to wonder about, though! 

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I just saw the new decimals ratings on incognito mode again.

2 minutes later, still on incognito, and everyone is back to 5 stars.

What are they trying to do exactly...? The way they change this constantly is so annoying.

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1 hour ago, zerlina84 said:

I just saw the new decimals ratings on incognito mode again.

2 minutes later, still on incognito, and everyone is back to 5 stars.

What are they trying to do exactly...? The way they change this constantly is so annoying.

Yes, the 2 decimal-point ratings have been 'it was right here/and now its goneeee'. 

Also, the new homepage has gone back to edit/testing/bug-fixing mode I guess. We are back to the old one with dark teal background color. 

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1 hour ago, zerlina84 said:

What are they trying to do exactly...? The way they change this constantly is so annoying.

I just noticed that Airbnb also uses the X.XX format. It's not new. A friend who rents an apartment on Airbnb confirmed to me that it already existed in 2020.

I still think it helps to differentiate between the various offers. However, those with lower ratings would prefer 4.9!



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Fiverr seems like they're just throwing things at the wall at this point with reckless abandon. 

I think we're at a breaking point where the teams making decisions on our behalf don't actually know how we do what we do, or even what we're doing. 

I'd like to say I'm continually surprised, but at this point it seems like nobody actually making decisions can put their ego(s) aside long enough to pump the breaks.

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