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Official feedback thread re: the new leveling system

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7 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

Also, the 'block button' is pretty much there on desktop. It comes after we choose the reason for reporting. 


Yeah but you have to report the person. You need to have a meaningful reason, not only that you don't want to work with that person. If it was appearing when you mark as Spam, sure. But I received a warning due to reporting a person that was self-promoting their service, yet when I reported them, minutes later I received a warning. Upon talking with CS they removed, but they specifically told me to just mark as spam instead of reporting and they removed the warning. Still, that was a gratuitous warning and I only used the button a few times since then, when it was absolutely necessary (people trying to ask me to write content for fake ID websites, etc, obviously illegal stuff). 


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It's more like I can't do anything: This is the only hover-button I get, and there are no options in any menus to block or report, nor on profile pages, or anything.

I have no idea why this has changed, but all that's left is the app and the block button there.


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One thing the SS has helped me with, is deciding not to pay for Seller Plus Premium anymore until my 8 goes up. The only reason I paid for it was the supposed priority in TRS vetting, which will never happen with an 8.

I’ll just keep the cheaper Seller Plus. It sucks not being able to see the Premium forum, but that’s not worth $39.

Edited by zerlina84
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24 minutes ago, zerlina84 said:

supposed priority in TRS vetting

I tried SP after having been eligible for TRS review for over two years. on my very first review date, I was promoted to TRS.

Therefore, my experience is that this feature of SP was a thing but, with the way the system has changed in the last month, it could be completely different now.


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5 minutes ago, catwriter said:

Next to it, on the right, should be 3 dots. Clicking on those allows reporting or marking as spam.

There used to be for me. Not any more!

Edited by emmaki
tbf I've just had a thought it might be an extension conflict
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7 hours ago, voicedbyken said:


@lukesdesigns Like Ken I am also both TRS and PRO and I have had a 9 since the first day of rollout. Been bending over backwards to correct the "communication" problem the success score says that I have and getting a ton of great feedback and reviews since rollout and it hasn't budged. 

Screen Shot 2024-03-18 at 7.58.27 AM.png

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I still can't make sense of any of this. 

The 'grace' period should be over but nothing changed and I am at loss for what to do. Apart from returning buyers, I am not getting any new ones since the new system was implemented. 

I finally got to lv 2 and dropped from an 8 to a 6, and will lose it by march 24th. 
It says communication/satisfaction is a 'strong' negative impact on my landing page gig (which now has a 4 rating) while getting pretty much just 5 star reviews and returning customers. 

My reponse rate is stuck at 89% despite getting back to EVERYTHING (including ongoing chats) within 24hrs. 

Another worry is that I sometimes have to deliver the order and have it go into possible revision because some buyers just don't come online or answer for 5 days while the deadline is expiring, and this will now negatively impact my ratings despite delivering and asking for feedback on time. Does anyone know if they will look if that's the case? 

I currently have 2 orders where one revision was sitting there 6 days past the original delivery date because the buyer didn't come online to respond. 
Another one will probably have the same thing happening with 2 days left to deliver and they haven't even commented on the first design or showed it to their client yet. I'm so discouraged 😞 

Edited by ibcreative89
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2 hours ago, emmaki said:

This is the only hover-button I get, and there are no options in any menus to block or report, nor on profile pages, or anything.

Isn't that screenshot with the message "especially not spam" showing the options next to your message not the buyer's message. If you hover at the top of the buyer's message it should show the 3 dots for the menu with the mark as spam/report option.

Though the help says "You can only block buyers who have previously placed an order with you.".

Edited by uk1000
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7 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

Isn't that screenshot with the message "especially not spam" showing the options next to your message not the buyer's message. If you hover at the top of the buyer's message it should show the 3 dots for the menu with the mark as spam/report option.

Though the help says "You can only block buyers who have previously placed an order with you.".

Nope, it's just "reply" whether I hover over my message or someone else's (this includes previous buyers). Disabling all (Chrome) extensions did nothing,  but oddly enough, I can see the dots and report/block whatever in Firefox. I remember a few years ago I switched to Chrome because Fiverr went buggy on Firefox. Oh how the turn tables etc. Anyway, on the off-chance that someone else is suffering this apparently very niche issue, there's the fix.

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Mysteriously my success score changed from 4 to 5. But it should have gone up to 9. And yet I'm still level 0. But with a score of 9 I should be at level 2. 
The invisible hand of "transparency" is doing its thing.



Edited by leonormiserol
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25 minutes ago, emmaki said:

Nope, it's just "reply" whether I hover over my message or someone else's (this includes previous buyers).

Already had the same problem 1 month ago.


reply spam.JPG

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15 hours ago, donnovan86 said:

This is not an official thread. There were official threads on the topic, but they were locked. Unless you tag a Fiverr representative, most likely they won't see anything here.

Thanks... Bye

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49 minutes ago, leonormiserol said:

Mysteriously my success score changed from 4 to 5. But it should have gone up to 9. And yet I'm still level 0. But with a score of 9 I should be at level 2. 
The invisible hand of "transparency" is doing its thing.



Unfortunately, according to CS there are all sorts of magic sauce ingredients that go into your SS beyond your gig scores, so your gig score of 9 does not in fact mean your SS should be 9 also. I activated two gigs as a test after shutting them down. I've had four orders this week, 5.0 star ratings (keeping me at 100% 5.0 star ratings for all time), my gig scores are 8, and my SS is still 3. No visible reason considering anything negative like private ratings is already reflected in the gig scores.

Effectively the SS algorithm is to logical math what Cheez Whiz is to actual cheese.

Edited by cucinavivace
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1 hour ago, leonormiserol said:

Mysteriously my success score changed from 4 to 5. But it should have gone up to 9. And yet I'm still level 0. But with a score of 9 I should be at level 2. 
The invisible hand of "transparency" is doing its thing.



Back when it was 4/10, was the bar closer to 5 or in between 4 and 5?

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Careful, you'll end up on The List with me.




Edited by emmaki
For clarity, the "No" GIF, featuring the delightful Uncle Roger, is more about the terrifying thought of being put on The List.
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7 hours ago, ibcreative89 said:

The 'grace' period should be over but nothing changed and I am at loss for what to do.

Your not alone if you are feeling overwhelmed, helpless, and defeated. I don't think any of us know what to do, although some of us have enough focus to just keep doing what we've been doing to maintain the metrics that we have. 

Seeing as we were told we had a 30-day grace period to 'do something' about it, which might have made us assume something could be done about it in that time span, one of the things that I've been looking out for on these threads since the announcement is if anyone was able to do just that. I haven't seen anyone mention anything other than decreases in Success Scores, but I could have missed something.


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Apparently the success score updates every 60 days according to a random person on reddit who asked neo


I asked Neo and deliberately got the number of days wrong. Turns out Neo just tells you random stuff: 




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5 minutes ago, mandyzines said:

I haven't seen anyone mention anything other than decreases in Success Scores, but I could have missed something.

That's because there's nothing [much] you can do about increasing the score. If the history lasts two years, a 30-day grace period won't do anything. That's why the 9/10 SS requirement is so ridiculous to maintain (and now a high % of TRS don't know what to do, there's no way to increase the score in such a short time). Yes, an additional layer of demotion protection exists, but a lot of TRS will stress about whether they are going to be demoted next month, EVERY SINGLE MONTH. It hits your mental, and I've been building new sources of income for the past two years, ever since Fiverr went to poop. It will not get better with such slavery and ridiculous requirements. Every time I think about any of the Fiverr's statistics, I always say "one customer can ruin your score entirely, and there is no way to climb back up". Fiverr revealed their real "transparency" on how they treat sellers. And it's not over; let's wait for new surprises later this year.

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