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Official feedback thread re: the new leveling system

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13 hours ago, cucinavivace said:

LOL! See, that's what a trusting oaf I am. Funny because I actually thought of looking this time. Not a single review!


13 hours ago, leonormiserol said:


Maybe he just has the account for fun, since he doesn't consider it a real job. We will continue to "play" with our "clients"


13 hours ago, Alex.M said:

but not on your account it seems 🙂 unless you have multiple accounts perhaps


I have a different account for posting on the forum.

I know that truth hurts, but it's still the truth. Someone that invests his whole income and life in general on such a unstable environment like Fiverr (and it's not that it became unstable yesterday - the last three-four years they are always experimenting, changing algorithms, adding or cutting features, they made us change profile pictures for the fiverr PRO plattform, added promoted gigs, seller plus, seller success, changed the requirements for top-rated a year ago, added video presentation feature and so many other things I can't remember) is totally out of his mind.

If you have a true pro attitude you must firstly know well the enviroment you're working in. Complaining for a major change in an unstable environment is obviously...not smart.

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7 minutes ago, prodigy80 said:

Someone that invests his whole income and life in general on such a unstable environment like Fiverr ... is totally out of his mind.

Complaining for a major change in an unstable environment is obviously...not smart.

You keep saying that and I have to wonder why you believe everybody who's complaining does 100% of their business on Fiverr, or why anybody does 100% of their business on Fiverr. I earn less than 10% of my income on Fiverr. That doesn't mean I'm going to ignore it when they take it back from me unfairly after paying my dues here.

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54 minutes ago, prodigy80 said:

I have a different account for posting on the forum.

I know that truth hurts, but it's still the truth.

the truth is that having multiple accounts is against the TOS and you can get banned for it. That's the only truth. Perhaps someone will investigate further. 

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21 minutes ago, Alex.M said:

the truth is that having multiple accounts is against the TOS and you can get banned for it. That's the only truth. Perhaps someone will investigate further. 

If he's really a Pro, they're allowed to have a second account. One Pro and one regular. Why I do not know, but the TOS is specific about it.


Edited by cucinavivace
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2 hours ago, priyank_mod said:

This page also has a explainer video which highlights multiple seller profiles with 4.7/4.8/4.9 kinda ratings and order ratings which are less than 5!! 

I didn't realize people needed explainer videos to understand how star rating systems work. OK, so I haven't watched the video yet and I can't see the new page, but the fact that Fiverr needs an explainer video for this really demonstrates how unnecessarily complicated and cumbersome the new system is. 99% of people know how 5-star rating systems work. The remaining 1% give 1 star reviews because they think that's the "top score" or mark people down for platform problems (e.g. Amazon reviews highlighting Amazon delivery problems but otherwise loving the product).

Just now, cucinavivace said:

If he's really a Pro, they're allowed to have a second account. One Pro and one regular. Why I do not know, but the TOS is specific about it.

A buyer Pro account. You can only have one seller account. Anyone can get a Fiverr Pro (buyer) account, but you need to be Pro-Verified for a Fiver Pro (seller) account, which is really just a normal seller account with a badge slapped on it. It's currently gifted to anyone who can write their own name without dribbling. I'm proud to be a member of this club. 

Blame Fiverr's dreadful and lazy rebranding for the confusion, since Fiverr Business (platform and buyers) got renamed to Fiverr Pro and Fiverr Pro (sellers) got rebranded to Pro-Verified.

This does not of course confirm whether Keith is a Pro or no. Although rising from the dead to work to grab two Fiverr accounts is pretty prodigious, if you ask me. 

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2 minutes ago, emmaki said:

A buyer Pro account. You can only have one seller account.

Hrm. I screenshot the TOS above. It does not specify buyer/seller. Just one Fiverr and one Fiverr Pro, which I only point out due to interest now that you said this and not because I pretend to be clear on anything Fiverr does these days, or that them putting it in writing makes it true. Perhaps what you're talking about is mentioned outside the TOS somewhere?

To be honest, I don't really give two figs, but I do love getting to the bottom of things. One day I'll dig my way into my own grave if I don't stop myself.

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6 minutes ago, emmaki said:


I didn't realize people needed explainer videos to understand how star rating systems work. OK, so I haven't watched the video yet and I can't see the new page, but the fact that Fiverr needs an explainer video for this really demonstrates how unnecessarily complicated and cumbersome the new system is. 

I watched it only once and all my ageing brain can recall now is the voiceover trying to tell that it is easy to hire the right kind of freelancer (multiple profiles less than 5.0 rating shown with animation) and also easy to RATE THEM after the order (there was a 4.3 or 4.7 rating given for the completed order). 

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It's buried deep in a help center page and virtually impossible to find without using smart keyword combinations, but here it is: 

A freelancer can have a Pro (buyer) account since they can't sell on it, but maybe they want the nice things and the alleged prestige that comes with a badge. When Fiverr talks about freelancers, its talking about the role, not all users. Subtle difference, I know, since it isn't explained anywhere else (that I can think of off the top of my head) and the easy-to-find guidance indicates no. Also, there are plenty of outdated help center pages to further confuse and flummox the naive user who thinks they might find help. 

I suspect the reason for the terrible rebrand was because a lot of freelancers were signing up to Fiverr Business, not unreasonably thinking it was for, well, the business of selling. Alas, no, it was a buyer only account. That confusion does seem to have cleared up (judging from the general lack of posts since implemented) so the rebrand achieved one of its possible goals. It's just not a good marketing goal to slap on your product release: "our users are confused by our badly-written onboarding processes!"

2 minutes ago, priyank_mod said:

I watched it only once and all my ageing brain can recall now is the voiceover trying to tell that it is easy to hire the right kind of freelancer

They would say, that, wouldn't they... it's so easy, it needs an explainer video to explain how easy it is. 

Marketing is often more about hopes and wishes than it is reality. 

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7 minutes ago, emmaki said:

It's buried deep in a help center page and virtually impossible to find without using smart keyword combinations, but here it is: 

Thanks. Given the support I've received through Fiverr, I'm not sure I'd believe anything the help page says over the TOS in a battle of evidence, but this suits my purpose for this conversation to claim fraud, so I accept. LOL


9 minutes ago, emmaki said:

It's so easy, it needs an explainer video to explain how easy it is. 

Marketing is often more about hopes and wishes than it is reality. 

Also a huge percentage of people are suddenly offended by reading. News is shared because of a headline, not because anybody actually read the article. Everything else needs a video clip. It took me literally 10 seconds to Google "Fiverr terms of service," click, and hit Cntl+F to search "multiple accounts" to land on what I screenshot up there, but I think in most cases you're more likely to hear "You expected me to read that whole long thing I clicked to accept?" These days I think you're considered "less than" without a video to help the reading-resistant. Everybody loves a good cartoon explaining the top level bait and switch. 

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My eyes were just assaulted by a popup ad. No annoying notifiation yet, although I'm sure someone is working hard to craft cheerful notification spam about it. 


This may mean more angry posts later from people who somehow managed to not notice this whole thing! 

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2 minutes ago, emmaki said:

My eyes were just assaulted by a popup ad. No annoying notifiation yet, although I'm sure someone is working hard to craft cheerful notification spam about it. 


This may mean more angry posts later from people who somehow managed to not notice this whole thing! 


I've just received that as well. I look forward to seeing what will happen with my account. I hope Fiverr makes all of us happy with a hidden twist🙂

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4 hours ago, Alex.M said:

the truth is that having multiple accounts is against the TOS and you can get banned for it. That's the only truth. Perhaps someone will investigate further. 


You are wasting a lot of time trying to attack me personally, instead of focusing on your performance. Maybe that's why you got such results.

You all guys here forget that without Fiverr's promotion, you're nothing. If your gig appears to 100x more people, you will SELL MORE, even if you raise your prices singnificantly. And I am not here to praise them - you can see my previous posts about this - but this is another truth you like to ignore.

I have seen people sell well with terrible services, just because the algo insists on pushing them forward for unknown reasons. And I've seen great pros getting lost among the trash.

Just get over it. We are all expendable here, enjoy the ride while it lasts. Fiverr is GOD

By the way, this is my buyer account. Read the TOS better, that's what pro's do


Edited by prodigy80
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1 hour ago, emmaki said:

This may mean more angry posts later from people who somehow managed to not notice this whole thing!

I keep thinking of all the people that don't use the forum.

Just imagine the hurricane by the end of the week.

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4 hours ago, cucinavivace said:

f he's really a Pro, they're allowed to have a second account. One Pro and one regular. Why I do not know, but the TOS is specific about it.

If you are a normal seller, you can also have a Pro buyer account, that's what that refers to. You can never have two seller accounts.

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23 minutes ago, zerlina84 said:

Just imagine the hurricane by the end of the week.

I think Fiverr sellers will be like this: 


Only fatter, paler, and with less action. But definitely the shouting and intent. 

EDIT2: Why did they have a massive hole in the middle of Sparta?

Edited by emmaki
annoyingly, I've realized I actually have to -gasp- leave the house that day to do things in the real world. I am now annoyed because I might miss half the fun.
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You know, I was just looking at the screenshot @priyank_mod posted earlier and I noticed something disturbing. 


Meta = widely considered to be the spawn of el diablo

Google = widely considered to also be the spawn of sheitan

Nexflix = widely considered to be the spawn of a certain fallen angel 

P&G = big pharma. 'Nuff said, but yeah, the spawn of Teufel.

PayPal = You know it. Also, Elon Musk. I rest my case. 

Suddenly, it all makes sense why Fiverr is the way it is

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I've thankfully reached a zen horizon with all the changes in 5r. It numerically doesn't matter. Everyone will be dinged somewhere somehow. Say good bye to the perfect 5. Be happy with 4.9. We all know the white whale that is the disgruntled customer is lurking in your future. Move on. The stats will churn pretty much into the same ratios. The rate at which you see and get business will not change that much. So no one needs to feel FOMO about someone else getting an advantage. That's already baked in elsewhere. It might suck for you at the moment. And that moment may seem a long stretch. Tides rise and fall on 5r. All this ratings change is just corporate busy work. All this will settle like muddy water. It will all churn through anyway. It will just be a new routine. Who else is here to sell? It's still all the same people doing the buying and selling. So, Don't sweat it. You might get a nasty ding, but you'll heal. 😎
It should be:
One rating, fair, upfront, and simple. 
Edited by rudyabel
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Fiverr really should do a cost analysis of all the lost revenue it has incurred from doling out all these punishments. 
It is costing you money. A lot of money. The seller you punished today could have landed bigger fish in the 6 months they were floundering at the bottom. 

Edited by rudyabel
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23 hours ago, priyank_mod said:

PS This page also has a explainer video which highlights multiple seller profiles with 4.7/4.8/4.9 kinda ratings and order ratings which are less than 5!! 

A few screenshots of the video.
I don't understand how Andrew can have over 1000 reviews and an average rating of 4.8 with so many 3-star ratings 🤣




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14 hours ago, rudyabel said:
I've thankfully reached a zen horizon with all the changes in 5r. It numerically doesn't matter. Everyone will be dinged somewhere somehow. Say good bye to the perfect 5. Be happy with 4.9. We all know the white whale that is the disgruntled customer is lurking in your future. Move on. The stats will churn pretty much into the same ratios. The rate at which you see and get business will not change that much. So no one needs to feel FOMO about someone else getting an advantage. That's already baked in elsewhere. It might suck for you at the moment. And that moment may seem a long stretch. Tides rise and fall on 5r. All this ratings change is just corporate busy work. All this will settle like muddy water. It will all churn through anyway. It will just be a new routine. Who else is here to sell? It's still all the same people doing the buying and selling. So, Don't sweat it. You might get a nasty ding, but you'll heal. 😎
It should be:
One rating, fair, upfront, and simple. 

Agree, the rating system should be overly transparent, simple and easy to understand.

I got a stellar written review, with a very good tip.... with a 4/5 rating and I can all but guarantee that person didn't know what they were doing.

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