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New Fiverr level system


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I am very confused about the new system level Fiverr implemented recently.
I've a got a gig I've been constantly getting 5/5 stars public reviews, and still rated 4/10 by the new system level (downgraded me to level 1)
I do think something's wrong with these new metrics.

I  quote here two paragraphs from Customer Support response, side by side:
1. "You’ll notice clearer criteria for each level, making it easier to know what needs to be improved or maintained to keep your current level or to level up."
2. "(...) the private ratings are very different from the public ones. This means that clients may have concerns or issues that haven't been fully addressed, despite what you may have initially thought about their satisfaction.(...) The level system considers a wide timeframe of your performance to ensure fair assessments and to prevent isolated negative experiences from impacting your score."

How can I improve a gig, I've been constantly getting 5/5 stars with, (both good public reviews and clients' appreciation in the private chat page), as long as I know nothing about their "concerns or issues" they expressed in the privat survey?

It's weird such a gig to get  4/10 rate by the new level system. If its algorithm calculation is properly made, I'm wondering  if almost all of my customers suffer by dissociative identity disorder?

Edited by nemoxx
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