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How to improve my gig success score?


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On September 24, 2023, a buyer mistakenly placed an order at my gig. 1 minute after placing the order, the buyer cancels the order. After canceling the order, I received a notification from Fiverr, the notification said that this cancellation will not have any impact on my gig. But in the new update of Fiverr, I saw that my success score has decreased because of the order cancellation. And my gig is not ranking.

I completed the order 8/9 after canceling this order. All orders were rated 5*. But did not see any improvement in the gig. Hoping for a solution from an experienced how can I my gig success score now?


my gig link: https://www.fiverr.com/s/2jp4dL

download (2).png


download (3).png

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Please contact support@fiverr.com. 

You have a strong case here, that's your only cancelled order, and it should not affect your rates. If they generically respond to you, write here and I will try to convince them to fully analyse your case 

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2 hours ago, milos_siena said:

Please contact support@fiverr.com. 

You have a strong case here, that's your only cancelled order, and it should not affect your rates. If they generically respond to you, write here and I will try to convince them to fully analyse your case 



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3 hours ago, milos_siena said:

Please contact support@fiverr.com. 

You have a strong case here, that's your only cancelled order, and it should not affect your rates. If they generically respond to you, write here and I will try to convince them to fully analyse your case 


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