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Success score



I am level 2 seller. And Although all my ratings are 5 stars and was moving fast to reach top seller level

I found that I am completely removed from search and I found that the reason is that my success score is 5 , 


I honestly don't know why my success score is 5 and I contacted support ut there is nothing to do, although I have 75 % repeat buyers who pay a lot of tips and most of clients return back .


I am now removed completely from search and I may go back a rank next evaluation in march, 


I need to know does the success score, will be reset bases on the past 60 days same as other metrics or not ?


Also I need to know if I removed my Gigs and started new fresh Gig with same service, will that reset my success score as it is based on Gig performance not my profile?

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the new system has hidden information. The fiverr team will contact you to tell you that you must get better in things you can't see, and they will not tell you. So i'm sorry, according to the new system. MODERATORS: IF ANY OF THESE IS FAKE PLEASE LET US KNOW, BUT AT THE MOMMENT THIS IS THE INFORMATION PROVIDED:


- You loose score if you ask for time extensions

- You loose score if your final prices are higher than the rest. The new system compares you to others looking for an average, there will be no place for your professional value, soon all gigs will be the same going down to the cheapest regardless your experience or personal value.

- You loose score for information that the buyers sent hidden to fiver (it doesnt matter if the same client put you 5 stars and a huge excellent review.

Edited by kingpirux
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How is your score as of today? Mine dropped down to a 3 despite receiving multiple 5 stars in the last week. I am also a level 2 seller with tons of 5 star reviews. 

On 2/17/2024 at 6:04 AM, mahmoudothman7 said:

I am level 2 seller. And Although all my ratings are 5 stars and was moving fast to reach top seller level

I found that I am completely removed from search and I found that the reason is that my success score is 5 , 


I honestly don't know why my success score is 5 and I contacted support ut there is nothing to do, although I have 75 % repeat buyers who pay a lot of tips and most of clients return back .


I am now removed completely from search and I may go back a rank next evaluation in march, 


I need to know does the success score, will be reset bases on the past 60 days same as other metrics or not ?


Also I need to know if I removed my Gigs and started new fresh Gig with same service, will that reset my success score as it is based on Gig performance not my profile?


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Although I removed and stopped gigs 

And all my orders I am recieving now from my old clients

Which means all if them are returning clients which means they are happy with my work

My success score dropped to 3 !!


Support doesn't say anything except a repeated script about that I must improve myself and I don't know wy someone like me alll ratings is 5 stars to be stopped and I really don't know how to improve myself better


Few days and my repeat buyers will stop ordering because their orders are finishing and My problem that I totally depend on Fiverr as its the only marketplace that has my job on it

I really don't know what to do or why that is happening to me 

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4 hours ago, mahmoudothman7 said:

Although I removed and stopped gigs 

And all my orders I am recieving now from my old clients

Which means all if them are returning clients which means they are happy with my work

My success score dropped to 3 !!


Support doesn't say anything except a repeated script about that I must improve myself and I don't know wy someone like me alll ratings is 5 stars to be stopped and I really don't know how to improve myself better


Few days and my repeat buyers will stop ordering because their orders are finishing and My problem that I totally depend on Fiverr as its the only marketplace that has my job on it

I really don't know what to do or why that is happening to me 

Sadly I think this is happening to a ton of us. I am trying to not take it personally but it so hard not too. Just know you are not alone. I feel the same exact way and don't know how I can possibly improve.  I got the best review of my 10 year career yesterday, see attached... Sadly a review like this won't do anything for my score, however 1 negative private survey and we are put on restriction for months. Its not even logical and it seems like they want absolute perfection out of us and don't take the positive factors into play at all. Nobody can convince me that I get negative private reviews from buyers that leave 5-star reviews publicly. 

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 7.53.59 PM copy.jpg

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9 hours ago, mahmoudothman7 said:

My success score dropped to 3 !!

It's puzzling that my success score dropped to 3 despite receiving numerous 5-star reviews, and it's hard to believe that all these buyers left negative private feedback. Now, my score has returned to 4. It seems like a similar pattern is affecting several of us sellers, our gigs vanished from search results in October 2023, coinciding with a fluctuation in our success scores from 4 to 3, and now back to 4 again.

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I am in the same boat, and I am so sad to read it is like this for many. 

I was hoping to find some clarity in how it works (I also got the same copy-paste response in a help request) and it's extremely demotivating how this new system is making me feel like all my hard work, stress and late nights are not paying off anymore.

Got a super high rating and almost only 5 star reviews. Lots of repeat clients. I never give short answers and always go in-depth while discussing the work before and during the order, make sure to deliver on time. The only times an order went over the deadline (although revisions should not count towards completion rate?) was when I was still needing feedback to finish up the order and clients suddenly are unresponsive for 2-3 days. 

Worked my butt off to get to level 2, now I am at the risk of losing it while I only just got here because my success score dropped from a 7 to a 6 despite good reviews, no cancellations and positive reviews. 
I am honestly seriously considering leaving the platform, this combined with the high fees is making it more and more draining to try and keep up.

Edited by ibcreative89
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On 2/17/2024 at 6:34 PM, mahmoudothman7 said:

I am level 2 seller. And Although all my ratings are 5 stars and was moving fast to reach top seller level

I found that I am completely removed from search and I found that the reason is that my success score is 5 , 


I honestly don't know why my success score is 5 and I contacted support ut there is nothing to do, although I have 75 % repeat buyers who pay a lot of tips and most of clients return back .


I am now removed completely from search and I may go back a rank next evaluation in march, 


I need to know does the success score, will be reset bases on the past 60 days same as other metrics or not ?



Also I need to know if I removed my Gigs and started new fresh Gig with same service, will that reset my success score as it is based on Gig performance not my profile?

ill explain one by one 
1. i am also a level 2 seller and i also downgraded to level 1 in the new Fiverr score system. but now my level is back to level 2 and I was a top-rated seller before too. 🙂
2.you will come back to search in a week or two, i faced my gig won't show under the online gigs.

3.your success score it not about repeat buyers or tips, it's about the gig performance, like its calculated for last 60 days. cancelation, late delivery, negative feedback even the 4.7-star feedback can affect this, for example if you check the score, you can see the details about it.

4. no success score will be upgraded as soon as you reach the required score, as soon as you downgraded to 5 or score below that, again the 60 days count will start

5.no need to remove the gigs my friend, focus on giving your best to the clients and get good reviews before the 60 days period you will be back on track

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Ok so what can we do now

I am about to finish my old clients orders and although all are returning buyers and all rating me 5 Stars and still returning and although I removed gigs all my gigs

My success score is still 3 and I don't know what to do

I really worked so hard to plea5all ky clients and all my clients are super happy

And still returning after being blocked for a month but can't work on oast clients Only 

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Just now, mahmoudothman7 said:

Ok so what can we do now

I am about to finish my old clients orders and although all are returning buyers and all rating me 5 Stars and still returning and although I removed gigs all my gigs

My success score is still 3 and I don't know what to do

I really worked so hard to plea5all ky clients and all my clients are super happy

And still returning after being blocked for a month but can't work on oast clients Only 

i understand your frustration my friend, I went through that too 🙂 don't worry about it, i was a level 2 seller and my score dropped to 5. and due to that i became level 1 in new Fiverr leveling system (which is not published yet). but my score is 6 now, within 2 weeks. as always being polite and deliver the work on time. but yes in some case most of the clients won't give the review or star rating or even accidentally they click wrong number of stars. (before those can be changes by seller with a click, but now those they have to go behind the customer service and client won't do that unless he really wants to give you the stars). even after the review the client will get a survey from Fiverr, which is private and in that if the client tick something that he didn't like (not polite, late,and etc) that will also affect that particular gigs score.

Only way is work hard, deliver on time, be polite, give some free service such as business card or something to make the client happy, don't cancel order, you will reach the higher score my friend 🙂

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1 minute ago, mahmoudothman7 said:

@kingsbrandingI think you are mistaken my friend as per support this is not a 60 days metric and it is based on your gig history that why I had to remove all my gigs


as i told my friend, removing gig will do harm than good 🙂 the gig score calculated from the last 60 days history, such as completion, late delivery, cancelation, dispute, private review from the client, star rating from the client. removing gig will not help, i haven't removed any gigs, just focus more on the clients and make them happy while work (send the work update frequently, show sketches before the project start and make them understand the layout if you are doing logos, be very friendly but don't loose the professional touch) you will be on track soon 🙂

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4 minutes ago, mahmoudothman7 said:

And even after removing Gigs I am still blocked from search 

and still score is dropping

you are not blocked from the search my friend 🙂 you gigs went back that is what happened 🙂 my gigs always stays in the first page and all of a sudden last year December all went back to last page, but i get order but not like before, like 10% drop in my sales, other than that i didn't face any issue and don't edit gigs again and again, this will push the gig to far from first few pages my friend

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DEar as per client support 

Success score is not calculated every 60 days and its needs time to be changed and the fastest way to change it is to remove or pause your bad score gig to remove the bad score 

and its not a 60 days metric like the other metrics and it needs alot of time to be changed 

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10 hours ago, mahmoudothman7 said:

DEar as per client support 

Success score is not calculated every 60 days and its needs time to be changed and the fastest way to change it is to remove or pause your bad score gig to remove the bad score 

and its not a 60 days metric like the other metrics and it needs alot of time to be changed 

i was downgraded to level one with 5 score, i have over 15 gigs, and i didn't delete any of the gigs, now after two weeks my score is back on 7.

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10 hours ago, mahmoudothman7 said:

DEar as per client support 

Success score is not calculated every 60 days and its needs time to be changed and the fastest way to change it is to remove or pause your bad score gig to remove the bad score 

and its not a 60 days metric like the other metrics and it needs alot of time to be changed 

yes, success score not calculated every 60 days, for example if you have 5 score you will be level one seller and even after a day if you get 2 more score and made it to 7 you will be be promoted to level 2 (before you have to wait till the 14th of the month to degrade or promote) now that happens sooner than before. 
Success score changes like number of order that gig make and the review plus the private reviews will help to change within 2 weeks as in my case it happened within 2 weeks


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For those asking for updates

I made a new gig and although

Iam working with my repeat buyers only now due to I am removed from search

My new gig scored 3


Reason is effective communication

I really don't understand what I should do !! 

Those are past clients and we are continuing working together

And Even when I communicate they dint reply because I have all information months ago

And some of them If I re asked them would feel its weird


I started working on other platforms but my job is not available on other platforms like Fiverr

Its is available in some other marketplaces but not big or important like on Fiverr


And I don't know what to do ?

I became a new seller 😄

From top rated to new seller


I work with very tough clients who repeat orders and will finish working with me soon because their projects are almost done



And I het no new clients because removed from search 😔


And Even after making new gigs Fiverr wants from me to make communication with clients who I have been working with them for a lot of time to discuss with them a job that we repeat every wk 

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Customer support are nice persons who can't solve any issues because its something automated as oer there reply a

They almost dont have any reply to any messages I have sent


They always reply on something else

Still they are nice and supportive but they don't have any authority to solve anything


I am really tired from talking to them and finding a solution 

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On 3/5/2024 at 8:28 PM, kingsbranding said:

as i told my friend, removing gig will do harm than good 🙂 the gig score calculated from the last 60 days history, such as completion, late delivery, cancelation, dispute, private review from the client, star rating from the client. removing gig will not help, i haven't removed any gigs, just focus more on the clients and make them happy while work (send the work update frequently, show sketches before the project start and make them understand the layout if you are doing logos, be very friendly but don't loose the professional touch) you will be on track soon 🙂

This is giving me hope. I would just improve my communication, delivery and hope for the best. If you could move back to level 2 from level 1, It really gives me hope. 

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