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Update: Addressing new level system questions and feedback

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4 hours ago, katherinasim said:

How is it possible it is positive in order cancellations? 🙈


Confused too... I got a gig that doesn't have a single cancellation (qualifying ones that is) but it's "negative impact".

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I just got a notification about the webinar, did anyone here go to that? The second one is at 3am my time (Australia) and I wasn't notified about the one yesterday, but are they useful at all? Is there any chance to ask questions/give feedback on this new update?

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9 hours ago, emmaki said:

I've been keeping an eye on Google News and there's not much

Maybe what's out there's tagged by Google and friends as misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation. 

Maybe Google and Fiverr share common definitions of transparency.

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5 minutes ago, tom_godbert said:

I just got a notification about the webinar, did anyone here go to that? The second one is at 3am my time (Australia) and I wasn't notified about the one yesterday, but are they useful at all? Is there any chance to ask questions/give feedback on this new update?

Yes you can ask questions in Q&A section but they will decide, whether to answer it or not!

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4 hours ago, kingpirux said:

They implemented an ai bot that can only readn in English and probably the only thing it can do is interpret as a British Collage level of writing and talking, also the AI may have absoloutly no idea about the gig, so if someone is asking me to create a board game about money laundry the AI will think that im a criminal... is the only thing i can think about my score after reviewing all the scores again.


The AI is definitely reading inbox messages. From what I can see in my inbox, it looks like certain keywords trigger it to temporarily hide a message as it analyzes it. Seems to be the usual words like money, payment, email. I have always "passed" those tests, but....

...It's still not very smart, nor has Fiverr really thought its keyword list through (apparently). If you look at the Telespammers and their more advanced pretend Fiverr cousins, they tend to use spelling variations of Fiverr and other spammy keywords. This shouldn't be a problem, since regex can easily be deployed to hunt these down. I suspect it is in a limited capacity since the Telespam messages come in fancy fonts which may be unreadable to AI. But this should also be detectable to the AI, since it's not possible to send an empty message, and any message that was sent that appeared empty (and didn't have a file with it) could be flagged for human investigation. 

I suspect that the keyword list has deliberately been left incomplete due to the inability of large swathes of the community's inability to spell "Fiverr", either because they transliterated from their native alphabet without correction or are simply unable to mekspell to meksell. 

As it is, they happen to be the prime target market for the Telespam and fake Fiverr site scams too, so ... I will conclude my analysis there, as some analyses are sinful in the modern world. The real problem, of course, is a lack of education and opportunities elsewhere, but that is a problem that is beyond Fiverr's control - and the obvious solution is unpalatable for a variety of reasons. 

1 hour ago, mandyzines said:

Maybe what's out there's tagged by Google and friends as misinformation, disinformation, or malinformation. 

Maybe Google and Fiverr share common definitions of transparency.

Generally Fiverr only crops up in financial newspapers while the vast majority of "Fiverr blogs" are little more than affiliate spam. Since Google News has requirements of "must update multiple times a day" and be a "news site" (presumably a news sitemap), you'd really need actually be a news org OR run a more sophisticated generative AI "news" blog that relied on programmatic SEO and web scraping along with some automation to LLM/tools. None of this is particularly difficult with a little research and coding - quite a few of the Fiverr  (GNews) results are clearly barely-edited scrapefests using AI to spin the text (and probably using regex to evade plagiarism charges!). 

Most people who "blog" about Fiverr are, again, affiliate sites that bizarrely target sellers when the payout is for buyers. The other segment is people with blogs for other stuff who have had a bad experience ranting about their bad experience. 

On the whole, Google isn't censoring any bad news about Fiverr (there just isn't any - in fact, sentiment seems to be positive that Fiverr is "undervalued" as a stock). It reserves that for more political subjects. We should see some really good examples of big tech closing ranks in the coming months as US election season kicks off. I, for one, cannot wait for the return of the Google "fact checkers". And, by the way, it's very easy to get Google's little fact checker badge with JSON schema (Google provides useful guidance on this). It's all nonsense - and they know it. In the end, all we can trust is our own judgement - and in this era, far too many people are having their judgement cast them aside as crazed radical right-wingers, which only goes to destroy their trust in the establishment further. The Overton window is all over the place.

But back to Fiverr: top management at Fiverr - if not their employees - are well aware of what this update is actually meant to achieve, but also understand that the truth will not be palatable to many. So, rather than be honest, we're stuck with nice words, ineffectual systems, and contradictory staff response. It doesn't matter to Fiverr; it is a billion dollar corporation in a barely regulated industry (we are not employees) with a steady supply of fresh meat to replace anyone who leaves. You can hear this contempt for the people who essentially built Fiverr in the CEO in navel-gazing speeches at tech events. 

Levi will be meeting with staff today. Let's hope it goes.... OK. Fiverr is probably more interested in Thursday, though. Q4 results come out on Thursday. If sellers want to make a big impact that gets noticed by the media, that's really the chance to do it. Or maybe not, since all the stock news that I read seems to be largely AI generated or respun with new numbers added in. Computers don't care about interesting side stories like this, humans do. 


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On 2/15/2024 at 8:14 PM, dianeofmusgrave said:

I have cancellations affecting my gigs that had no effect previously because I went through customer service or the customer bought erroneously and canceled two minutes later.

same concern here. This new so-called transparent system is showing that cancellations are strongly negatively impacting the score on one of my gigs while there are only 4 cancellations out of 100 orders in the past 3 months. 
Furthermore, of the 4 cancellations, three resulted from the buyer's carelessness (requesting a service that wasn't part of my gig or making a mistaken order). I even contacted customer service during this time to remove the impact of these three cancellations and CS made sure the impact was erased.

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Because 4 > than 5 

I am not even upset, I know that it's not the buyer's fault 🙂 That's what Fiverr wanted him to rate.

But now I will have more orders and be more trustworthy because 4 stars is a more credible review than a 5 stars one. ( according to some ********* ) you can replace those stars with whatever word you wish. 

Why don't we all rate our buyers 3-4 stars randomly... for a while? Just a thought.. that way they can be more trustworthy as well.


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I  quote here two paragraphs from Customer Support response:
1. "You’ll notice clearer criteria for each level, making it easier to know what needs to be improved or maintained to keep your current level or to level up."
2. "(...) the private ratings are very different from the public ones. This means that clients may have concerns or issues that haven't been fully addressed, despite what you may have initially thought about their satisfaction.(...) The level system considers a wide timeframe of your performance to ensure fair assessments and to prevent isolated negative experiences from impacting your score."

How can I improve a gig active since 2011, I've been almost constantly getting 5/5 stars with, (both good public reviews and clients' appreciation in the private chat page), as long as I know nothing about their "concerns or issues" they expressed in the private survey?

It's weird such a gig to get  4/10 rate by the new level system.

Almost all of my customers suffer by dissociative identity disorder?

Edited by nemoxx
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This just gets get more and more absurd. 😵‍💫

I've had two orders under "waiting for details" for around a year. These clients never provided the necessary information under the requirements for the orders to start. Today I contacted Fiverr support to remove them, but they warned that it might impact my success score! 



How can two orders that were never started and have sat for 6 months-1 year under “waiting for details” affect my success score if deleted?!  😩

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4 hours ago, filipdevaere said:

It's "nice" to read that the disastrous experience with Fiverr doesn't just affect the average seller, but Fiverr just doesn't give a damn about anyone and just blindly goes through with their completely wrong agenda because they think they can get away with anything. One can only hope that Fiverr will eventually suffer the consequences for their inferior management.

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This is so discouraging rather than giving you hope that it will work out if you try hard working. Like we never worked hard here before. Somehow, less or more all sellers  adapted to any changes which were implemented through all these years of working on the platform. But not this time. To me, personally, the last changes sounds like a disaster and i am not really sure how to swim in this  "transparency"  swamp now. 🙂

Edited by liubov_rudenko
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12 minutes ago, karlaofficial said:

I've had two orders under "waiting for details" for around a year.

That really sucks. To avoid this in the future, you could turn on Request To Order if you have access to it and only send an offer once you have all the details.

I think 7(?) out of my 9 cancelations have come from orders placed by mistake. Since I turned on RTO, I have had 0 cancelations, so it might help.

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16 minutes ago, karlaofficial said:

How can two orders that were never started and have sat for 6 months-1 year under “waiting for details” affect my success score if deleted?!  😩

No worries! They will silently delete them one day 😄

You can notice it only in the app, where the number of canceled orders is shown. 

I had 6 orders hanging there for years, and this January, four of them disappeared while killing my views and impressions (I also had 3 orders canceled because they contained academic stuff, so it was a great combination 😁)


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3 minutes ago, vovkaslovesnyy said:

No worries! They will silently delete them one day 😄

You can notice it only in the app, where the number of canceled orders is shown. 

I had 6 orders hanging there for years, and this January, four of them disappeared while killing my views and impressions. 


It's really fascinating that bugs and process issues are EXCLUSIVELY negative for Seller. No matter what goes wrong, it has a negative effect on the seller. That is also an achievement.

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10 hours ago, visualstudios said:

We're also buyers on Fiverr so posting this here for those who are not familiar with the private feedback form. 


Same punitive language with 5 stars being "perfect" and "exceeded expectations". image.png.50bd11a34bf3cbca9e30f03d69466c81.png

I think it's very important for sellers to understand what's happening "on the other side of the gig" so thanks for sharing this screen.
The sentence "it helps us improve the experience on Fiverr" is so deceptive, seems like you're rating the company, not the seller.
At this point, I guess this simple sentence made several victims among the "incoherent Success Score" that some sellers have.

In my opinion, the following little fix would be a starting point for improving this private review system:

This feedback won't be made public and is only visible to us.
lt helps us understand the way JohnDoeValueForMoney is working on Fiverr.
- How would you rate the overall quality of this delivery made by JohnDoeValueForMoney?
- How closely did JohnDoeValueForMoney delivery meet your expectations?
- Was JohnDoeOnFiverr's delivery useful for your needs?

Edited by edc_lab
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38 minutes ago, vibronx said:

That really sucks. To avoid this in the future, you could turn on Request To Order if you have access to it and only send an offer once you have all the details.

I think 7(?) out of my 9 cancelations have come from orders placed by mistake. Since I turned on RTO, I have had 0 cancelations, so it might help.

Now customer support are saying it won’t affect my statistics. I think I may have convinced them to discount it? I dunno what’s going on. Total mess with this success score. 

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7 hours ago, kingpirux said:

if someone is asking me to create a board game about money laundry the AI will think that im a criminal.

I write (amongst other 'spooky' things, murder mystery stories and escape rooms. IF the AI does not recognize brainstorming (which it might), it might be best to take it all into word documents maybe? I've noticed that some of my gigs that took bigger hits (nothing awful luckily) on communication were the ones that, well... have some 'unusual' subjects. Of course, the AI COULD be smart enough to interpret brainstorming as well, brainstorming and angry buyers as angry buyers, but who knows? 

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21 minutes ago, katakatica said:

Of course, the AI COULD be smart enough to interpret brainstorming as well, brainstorming and angry buyers as angry buyers, but who knows? 

Probably not. 

There are plenty of people with borderline gigs (NSFW, trading) that are highlighted in the Community Standards as problematic. I don't know why Fiverr seems to randomly target some sellers for the chop while others stay fine and dandy, but I would suspect that it was related to AI flagging keywords - the classic being academic. 

It's just not very clear how much oversight there is. There is the T&S one, but that seems to be more of a late-stage process with accounts that (probably, just guessing here) have other flags that need investigating. 

If the AI that reads messages is using keywords and also built or partially built on a LLM, then it will also use prediction, so it might see that in your conversation you're brainstorming/gaming a situation rather than actually angrily yelling at each other or not. 

Also: remember the app is a bugfest. I wouldn't mind betting that all the AI systems on the apps don't run as smoothly as they do on desktop. 

This is me pulling stuff out of my 🍑 so ya know.  

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On 2/17/2024 at 12:11 AM, Kesha said:

Hi @jackmuas! To clarify, this just means that if a seller is going against our  terms of service, they will not be able to participate in the level system. Sellers who are not flagged or restricted, will all have updated levels come March 14. 

Hello, thank you for the clarification. One more thing for emotional purposes, what will happen to the accounts of the sellers whose accounts have been flagged or restricted come March 14? In some cases you find the issue that led to the flagging happened 1 year ago and was resolved yet the account is still flagged. 

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2 hours ago, Alex.M said:

Because 4 > than 5 

I am not even upset, I know that it's not the buyer's fault 🙂 That's what Fiverr wanted him to rate.

But now I will have more orders and be more trustworthy because 4 stars is a more credible review than a 5 stars one. ( according to some ********* ) you can replace those stars with whatever word you wish. 

Why don't we all rate our buyers 3-4 stars randomly... for a while? Just a thought.. that way they can be more trustworthy as well.


When I got my first 4 stars on Monday, I was surprised because it's a repeated buyer. The issue is that the review threshold is 4.6 for level 2. And if the rest of the review is 4, then "au revoir". 

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