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Update: Addressing new level system questions and feedback

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2 minutes ago, leonormiserol said:

I also received that email, I am level 2, rolled to level 0 with the new system

My point really, this email needed better segmentation. The one we got would have been for the "winners" of the update lottery. Messaging should have been different for other groups.

But this is probably not possible since there were so many glitches and bugs at launch (I mean, for the AI to sort out beftween the different segments). Or you know, Fiverr sat down and thought 1 round robin for everyone would work just as well as 1 review system to rule them all. 

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29 minutes ago, rawque_gulia said:

Not sure if everyone is getting this, but I even got a normal inbox message from the team. Just thought to share as it was surprising to see someone from the team messaged a webinar link for the first time in history.



I wish someone would acknowledge my 'conthribucy as a valued seller and person'.

This cat would be lucky to get a 3 for effective communication under the new system. 

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5 minutes ago, terrygrantvo said:

I wish someone would acknowledge my 'conthribucy as a valued seller and person'.

This cat would be lucky to get a 3 for effective communication under the new system. 

Customer Service Call Center GIF

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Here is the transcript of the webinar recording provided by @rawque_gulia (thank you for sharing!). It's like 100% AI generated except for 50 words lol. 

And for the super-lazy of you (also me), I asked ChatGPT to ELI5, because GPT takes that literally and it always amuses me: 


Fiverr had a meeting to talk about a new way to show how well sellers are doing, kind of like a report card for freelancers. They introduced some team members who explained that this new system helps sellers earn trust from buyers by showing off their good work. It uses a special score to show if a seller is doing a great job. This score looks at different things, like how happy customers are and how well gigs (jobs) are going. They made this system to help sellers do better on Fiverr by giving them clear goals and to make sure buyers can find good sellers easily. They also talked about how they want to make Fiverr a fair place for sellers by helping them when they have problems and making sure the rules are clear and fair for everyone.

EDIT: link to video (Google Drive) if anyone wants to like, watch it.

Edited by emmaki
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At this point the most transparent thing Fiverr could do is issue a statement that says, "We're doing this because we want to, there is nothing you can do to change it, so either accept it, or flake right off."  

That would at least be honest. 

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Again I'll just sorry. I'll just refer to one question here that was, asked, following what I've mentioned, previously about cancellations. It's not related to this webinar, so we are not going to talk about it, more thoroughly. But when I spoke about not canceling orders for personal taste, I meant that if it's the only reason for cancellation, then we do not cancel. If you see cancellations of orders that were done because of personal taste, it's probably because there were also other reasons that merit a cancellation, And I'll close that, discussion. Yeah, Ben. Go ahead.            - Now this is interesting


It's very important for us to share that unlike previous time where the level system was running on metrics sixty days backwards, here, we're taking a wider perspective. So the performance is limp on time spans that are a bit wider, and there's a reason to it. We want to avoid situations where specific coincidental, orders or experiences of buyers that do not necessarily reflect the quality of the sellers do not affect you in maybe losing your level - Non response lol

3 minutes ago, newsmike said:

At this point the most transparent thing Fiverr could do is issue a statement that says, "We're doing this because we want to, there is nothing you can do to change it, so either accept it, or flake right off."  


I mean, they are pretty much saying that, more or less. Although in a more refined, non-direct way. But we all know that's what they mean here. I see why people are mad and unhappy, why some want to quit the platform, yet realistically despite all the outrage, all what's happening is we receive reasons behind their decision and not solutions to our ideas.  So honestly, aside from repairing some bugs, offering some extra time to people that are close to demotion ..I don't see any changes being made. I think this is the final review/level system we'll have for a while, a few years maybe. 

Edited by donnovan86
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7 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

Again I'll just sorry. I'll just refer to one question here that was, asked, following what I've mentioned, previously about cancellations. It's not related to this webinar, so we are not going to talk about it, more thoroughly. But when I spoke about not canceling orders for personal taste, I meant that if it's the only reason for cancellation, then we do not cancel. If you see cancellations of orders that were done because of personal taste, it's probably because there were also other reasons that merit a cancellation, And I'll close that, discussion. Yeah, Ben. Go ahead.            - Now this is interesting


It's very important for us to share that unlike previous time where the level system was running on metrics sixty days backwards, here, we're taking a wider perspective. So the performance is limp on time spans that are a bit wider, and there's a reason to it. We want to avoid situations where specific coincidental, orders or experiences of buyers that do not necessarily reflect the quality of the sellers do not affect you in maybe losing your level - Non response lol

I mean, they are pretty much saying that, more or less. Although in a more refined, non-direct way. But we all know that's what they mean here. 


I realize that the transcript has been posted, but here's the video from Tel Aviv:



Edited by newsmike
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4 minutes ago, donnovan86 said:

they are pretty much saying that, more or less. Although in a more refined, non-direct way. But we all know that's what they mean here.

I mean, we, as sellers, came here to work in a professional workplace and serve clients — not to play puzzle games with Fiverr officials. If they have something to say, they should say it directly and write it in the terms and official articles.

They're just repeatedly saying that we're considering a "wide time frame"...how much wider? 2 years? 5 years? 70 years? At least, we were previously aware that our levels were considering 60 days, but now.....literally no info. Likewise, no info on other factors as well. What about "location inconsistency"......If I plan a trip every 15 days, will I get a warning? Any confirmation? No.....literally no! Fiverr is just keeping everyone in the dark.

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I am just scanning (sorry for the walls of text everyone, but I can't be bothered to edit that transcript properly!) and in the Q&A section was this little gremlin:


First of all, if the gig is, is working and see traffic and see orders, maybe it won't be a smart idea to pause it because eventually, it gives you, it gives you food on the table.

So.... never have vacations or breaks if you are successful. Got it. 

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Yes, so as you, some of you may already saw seen and, Mikey also explained that, the the success score is divided into six different key areas, and maybe, after this answer, I will share something in this regard. So one of the key areas that we're flagging is value for money, and here sellers are being measured by the value that they provide to their customers. We also know that now with the new review system, you can have you can see that the third question of the review system pertaining specifically for the value for money. A vast research that we've conducted, throughout, the years, shows that high value for money scores given to sellers by buyers are strong indicators for the quality of the sellers and for also for a positive experience of buyers. So if we flag this as a positive key area, maybe it's an indication that a slight price increase might be in place. And why I say slight? Because pricing is a very delicate, subject that affects a lot of the things in your performance. And when you do, decide to raise the prices, you should do that very cautiously. For managed sellers, if you want more, about what do we mean by caution, please, advise your CSMs. But, again, I want to emphasize that pricing has a lot of effects on other metrics and other, things that are related to your performance. And you when you raise the prices, you need to do this wisely. If the key area is flagged for negative reasons, we recommend thinking of, treating your buyers with extra care and maybe show them the value for what you for what they paid for. Maybe explain more the behind the scenes of what you do. Go into the bits and bytes of the processes. Show them the the maybe you're contemplating between some tracks for the project, reflect it to the buyers, engage them into the project in a way that they will understand the the difficulties or not maybe difficulties. Difficulties is not the right word, but maybe the, the processes that you take to complete a project. Here it's important for us to share that we hear the feedback about value for money that was given to us mostly about the review system. And although our data clearly shows that there's no correlation to the price of the order, and, the value for money is a stable predictor in all parameters, we still, listen, and we're considering other variations for this question in the review system. We can share more than that in that, in this, stage, but once we know more, we'll share it with, with sellers.

On value for money (summarized by ChatGPT):

  • - Success score comprises six key areas, including "value for money."
  • - "Value for money" is assessed through customer reviews and is a crucial indicator of seller quality and buyer satisfaction.
  • - Positive scores may justify cautious price increases, while negative feedback suggests enhancing buyer value perception.
  • - Pricing strategies should be carefully considered due to their broad impact on performance metrics.
  • - Seller engagement and transparency with buyers are recommended for improving perceived value.
  • - Feedback on the review system's "value for money" question is under review, with potential adjustments ahead.
  • - More updates will be provided to sellers as developments occur.

This does not seem to match up with direct seller experience...

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5 minutes ago, voicedbyken said:

Watched the entire webinar and got nothing out of it that we didn't already know.


36 minutes of my life I will never get back...


Thanks Fiverr

Did they uploaded it somewhere?

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5 minutes ago, rawque_gulia said:

They're just repeatedly saying that we're considering a "wide time frame"...how much wider? 2 years? 5 years? 70 years? At least, we were previously aware that our levels were considering 60 days, but now.....literally no info.

This post mentioned it:


To achieve this, we're testing changes in how public ratings are calculated. In order to present a more realistic view of your performance and service, scores will take into account ratings from the last 2 years, instead of lifetime ratings.

Whether it will stay on "2 years" or if some tests might be for other amounts of time it's not clear.

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It looks like 2 years of stuff is taken into account but you have 30 days' grace from when your stats (start) to fall, presumably on a rolling basis like the current system rather than once a month. 

That doesn't sound horrible, but this system will still be a more rewarding system to sellers with high order frequency. And the launch of this, which basically dropped a lot of sellers in a lot of plop without any real explanation (and sellers who otherwise thought they were on course for TRS due to top ratings in everything), was a terrible way to kickstart this. 

I think Fiverr needs to do a lot more work and a lot more explaining if it wants to recover from the huge damage in trust that it has inflicted on so many sellers. This isn't including the cancellations stuff such as what happened to @levinewman, which is essentially ignored as "we're not going to talk about that". 

That's all very well, but shouldn't sellers know what that "other thing" is that led to the cancellation? If you want to be transparent Fiverr, and if you want to tell your community that you are transparent, these are the types of thing you do that make a lot of your community criticize and ridicule you.

Your words and your actions aren't matching up. In this thread alone, there have been at least two sellers posting who are obviously breaking TOS. We don't have the tools you do, but it's not hard for humans to spot the rotten eggs. Why can't Fiverr do the same - and why do the good sellers have to suffer in Fiverr's attempts to squeeze them out? You are putting far too much work onto AI systems and work, alienating the humans who work for you.


I'm going to play Medieval Rat Plague Starring Annoying  Diseased Child II now. Mostly because I want to see if the new PSN Plus game S*xy Lady Robot Takes on Bad Robots in French Revolution Paris is as good as it looks. 

If there are any video game developers out there who needs someone to give their games awesome names, I'm your girl. 

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17 minutes ago, voicedbyken said:

Watched the entire webinar and got nothing out of it that we didn't already know.

36 minutes of my life I will never get back...

Thanks Fiverr

I watched it too and I learned a new thing.
They have a Pizza Party group.


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10 minutes ago, uk1000 said:

This post mentioned it:

Now, this is another problem with Fiverr --- mismanagement.

Is it too hard to just write "2 years" in official articles related to the level system! No one will scroll through thousands of forum threads to collect every single piece of information. Fiverr will never learn and I think we'll have to adjust to hearing the same words "we can't disclose about the algorithm". Now expecting any clarity from Fiverr on this is also a waste of time.

Right now, we have very small piece of information – and that's also scattered across all forum threads. Hats-off to the management!

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